Chapter 38

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Jack's POV

The pups were all asleep and (Y/n) still wasn't home. It had been over an hour now. I was beginning to worry. It usually took her an hour at most to get back. Where was she? Did she get in an accident? Oh, God. I hope she's alright.

Suddenly, I got a call. I quickly looked to see who it was. It was a number I didn't know. It looked familiar though. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, Sir. Are you Sean McLoughlin?" A woman's voice that sounded very professional said over the receiver. 

"Yes." I answered, concerned at where this was going.

"Do you know a (Y/n) (L/n), by any chance?"

"Yes, she's my girlfriend." I replied.

"We found her vehicle empty on the side of the road. You may want to come and take a look." I was shocked and my heart started racing.

"What?" I asked.

"We don't know what happened, but a woman reported seeing her pull over, talk to a man, run off, and then never come back. We would like you to come and look around with us. You might see something or know something we don't." I felt like I was about to collapse. I felt sick and I couldn't speak for a moment. 

"Sir, are you alright?" The lady asked.

"Y-yes...I-I'm fine."

"I understand this must be a shock, but I must ask you to take a few deep breaths and remain calm. We need your help." I nodded to myself, trying to relax. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever done.

"O-okay. I...I'm on my way." 

"Thank you, Sir. We'll be expecting you." 

"Right. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." I hung up and I quickly put my shoes and my coat on. I rushed out to the car and I drove down the road toward the road that (Y/n) always took to get home from the store. I saw police cars and (Y/n)'s car pulled over as I was driving along. I pulled over a little ways away and hurried over.

As I went over, I saw three police officers and one detective. I would've been smiling if it all would've been in a game. I loved these types of things, but this wasn't fake or made up. This was real, and I was involved in it. It was something I never thought would happen to me. I suppose that's what everyone thinks until it actually happens. Crimes aren't exactly expected or anticipated by normal people. When I say normal, I mean everyone who isn't a cop. You know what I mean.

Anyway, I went up to the only woman that was there. She was rather tall and she had orange hair and caramel colored eyes.

"Sean, I'm assuming?"

"Yes." I replied.

"I'm Officer White." She said, holding out her hand. I shook it.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"Well, the report came in about 20 minutes ago. We got here and there was nothing. Not even a sign of a struggle or anything like that. When did she leave the house?" 

"Before 5:00. I was taking care of our three new puppies and she went to get food and anything else we needed. She had preordered it online so she had to get there at a certain time." I explained.

"Well, that checks out since we have all the groceries in the trunk. Do you know if she was stopping to meet anyone?"

"No. She was going to the store and then coming straight home." I replied.

"Well, we found the car with the keys still inside. It looks like she just got out and left for no reason."

"There had to be a reason." I said.

"Well, the report did say she stopped to talk to someone after she pulled over. She must've gotten out and went with someone."

"Who filed the report?" I asked.

"They're sitting in one of our cars. Follow me." I followed her and I spotted an older woman with brown hair sitting in the car and waiting patiently. 

"Mam, we have someone who wishes to speak with you." She looked at me and got up.

"What did you see before they ran off?" I asked. 

"Well, I was watching that man for a while. I told my daughter to watch her younger brother while I came out here to talk to the police."

"Was the man doing anything?" Officer White asked.

"Yes. He was standing under the streetlight for about ten minutes. He was talking on the phone to someone. He hung up in a hurry once he spotted something though. He started acting frantic, waving his arms around as if he was signaling someone. That's when the car pulled over. I saw the girl talk to him and it looked like he was panicked and begging her for something. The two of them clearly didn't know each other and I could tell the girl was confused and shocked by something. Then, the two of them ran off. I watched for a few minutes, but they never came back. I thought it was wisest to contact the police. That's all I know and all I saw."

"Thank you, Mam." The officer said. I was glad that I knew more about what happened now. I was still very worried about (Y/n). A random stranger ran off with her? That set off SO many alarms.

"Well, we know the story, so there's no point in us searching the car. I could drive it home for you if you like." Ms. White said. I nodded thankfully. She grabbed another officer and he hopped into a police car. I drove with the two cars following me. They came up to me after we made it to my house and generously helping me with the groceries. 

"We'll do everything we can to find her. We promise." Ms. White told me. 

"Thank you." I replied. I walked back into the house and I collapsed against the nearest wall, shaking and crying. She's gone. She's gone, she's gone, she's gone.... I shut my eyes tight, rivers trickling down my face. I picked up my phone. I don't know why I did it, but I had to talk to someone. Someone I knew. Someone who would understand. Somebody who could help me. 


"Hey, Jack! What's up?"

"M-Mark...someone took her. She's gone. S-someone kidnapped (Y/n)...."

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