Chapter 6

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The next day you all had a signing to go to. A TON of people had gifts and such for you and the others. You couldn't believe what someone had made you! It was a little (your channel mascot). You decided right then and there this would be your channel's mascot. You also got a Tiny Box Tim and a Septiceye Sam! People really liked you! You were so happy. So many people said it was their dream to meet you and that you are their favorite and that they couldn't believe they got to see you. Everyone was so nice and you'd gotten a lot of gifts! It was amazing! Then you heard someone playing music. You saw everyone dancing together and joined in. People were recording it, but you didn't care. That was normal at these things. Then suddenly since you were the girl the boys started taking your hand and passing you around to dance with them. First, you danced with Mark then you danced with Ethan, then Tyler, then Wade, then Felix, then Ken, then Bob, then Matthias and finally Jack. You danced with Jack the longest since you danced with him until the song ended. You saw a group of girls going crazy with quiet giggles and one with a video camera. You knew that was going on the internet. You could see it already. '(You and Jack's channel names put together) is REAL!' having 12 million views. Moving on from that there was so much more to do and see just here! People kept coming up to meet you and everything was just so much fun! 

Soon it was time to leave though. You didn't want to, but you had no choice. It was time to go home. You and Jack soon got on a plane to head home. You and Jack talked on the plane.

"You were really good." He said. You were confused.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"With the panel. You did a great job!" He said. You smiled. 

"Thanks Jack." You yawned suddenly. You were surprised. Jack smiled.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah." You replied.

"Then get some rest. I'm gonna stay up a while." He said. You nodded. You got as comfortable as you could and fell asleep.

Third Person POV

She was sound asleep in seconds. Sean smiled at her. He suddenly had a weird feeling. Jack didn't know what it was. He'd felt this kind of feeling before.....but he couldn't place it. He shrugged it off and soon decided to get some rest himself. 

Jack found himself walking down a long black hallway. Nothing was in it. It was just a black hallway. Jack was slightly fearful. He'd seen this set up way too many times to not know what was possible behind him. Yes, there were a lot of answers to what was behind him, but the most common? A monster, or a threat of any sort really. And if there was nothing? He still knew what would happen. Turn around, turn back and suddenly a jump scare threat in front of you ready to kill you. That or a completely different place than before. Jack just kept walking and went through the door ahead of him. Blackness again. Then suddenly a single light lit behind him. He froze. He was afraid of what he'd see. Jack slowly turned around. Nothing but the light. He walked under it. Another light lit up straight ahead. 

"I've been playing too many horror games lately." He said to himself. While it was meant to be a joke, he still felt fear as he walked toward it. Another light after he was under it. But then more lights lit up in a straight line. Jack walked for a minute until he got to the end. Suddenly 5 feet from the end the last light lit up revealing a chair and a noose. He gasped. He could almost feel the rope around his neck. Jack's hand shot to his throat as he stared at it in horror. He backed away slowly. "N-no thank you." He said, his voice shaking. Then his back hit something. He turned around and saw a guillotine. He jumped back. His heart was racing now. This wasn't good. 

Then something grabbed him from behind. Jack felt his body stop working. He was frozen in terror. He was dragged backward. N-no! Stop! He wanted to scream. Let go of me! He wanted to cry for help. STOP IT! He wanted to go home. Suddenly he was strapped onto a table. He couldn't move, even though if he wanted to his body wouldn't listen anyway. He heard someone uncovering a knife a few feet away in the darkness. A spotlight was on him. He heard footsteps walk closer to him. Jack felt silent tears roll down his cheeks. He wasn't even able to blink. His eyes didn't hurt though. They were tears of terror. Suddenly he heard a laugh. It was his own. Jack saw himself and suddenly a knife was in his heart. He couldn't breathe. His whole chest hurt like hell. Jack was able to scream now. He screamed in pain and terror before everything went black. 

Jack gasped as he woke up. He was still on the plane. He looked over. (Y/n) was still sleeping peacefully. Jack took a moment to calm down, but his heart was still racing. Jack didn't know what came over him. He quickly grabbed her hand seeking comfort. She woke up and looked over at him. Then she looked at their hands and looked surprised. She looked back at him with concern.

"Jack? Is something wrong?" She asked. He was calmer by now and he came to his senses. 

"N-no I uh, sorry I wasn't thinking. I just had a n-nightmare." He explained, detaching his hand from hers and quickly looking away. She looked worried.

"Sean, is everything okay? You can talk to me you know." She said. He turned back to her. Her (e/c) eyes were glittering with sympathy and concern. "It's okay." She told him. Her sounded sweeter than normal. He felt his heart melt as he felt it was safe to talk to her.

"I just had a nightmare where a lot of things that resemble death happened and in the end, I was killed by someone." He said. She looked shocked. Then she gave a slightly creeped out laugh.

"Heh, uh, maybe you've been playing too many horror games lately." She said. He gave a nervous laugh too. 

"Heh, yeah probably." He agreed awkwardly. They both just kinda sat there for a minute.

"Sean, I'm glad you told me." She said suddenly. He looked at her in surprise. "I know how hard it can be sometimes to talk to people. I've gone through that a lot. Just know that if you ever need a friend to talk to you have me at the very least." She said giving him a side hug. He smiled, relaxing a little. 

"Thanks, (Y/n). If I ever need ya, I'll call ya. I promise." He said side hugging her back. In the seats, they couldn't really do much so side hug was the best option. Jack was glad he had such a nice neighbor. She was a great friend.

*2 days later* 

By now Jack and (Y/n) had done two video's together already. They were planning to do another one today. (Y/n) had asked if she could play Divers vs. Sharks. Jack was happy to play with her. They'd wrecked everyone. They were the best team as sharks and (Y/n) was a great diver. Jack uploaded the video and decided to go relax and watch a movie. He wanted to watch a shark movie now. He got some popcorn and a glass of water and put in 47 meters down. Jack watched it and then he decided to get some more video's edited. It was a lazy day really. Then suddenly he got a phone call from his girlfriend. Sean picked up the phone.

"Hey!" He greeted happily.

"Hi, um, Sean we need to talk."

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now