Chapter 14

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You arrived at your house about half an hour later. You would have to get used to the time difference again. That was the one thing you hated about traveling. Getting used to something and then having to go back to what you deal with every day. It throws things off a lot. You followed your (brother or sister) into the house. You were greeted by your mother and your old pet(s). You smiled. It was nice being home again. You went to your old room and unpacked everything you needed. You looked around. It looked slightly different since a bunch of things had been moved into your apartment, but it was relatively the same. You got settled. You heard your mom call you. You walked out of the room and saw your old friends. You smiled.

"Hey, guys!" You said.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" They greeted.

"WHAT UP GIRL!" Maya yelled. You smiled.

"Nothing new." You replied. You all hung out for a while and soon they left. You played games with your (bro/sis) for a while and then you went to bed. You fell asleep rather fast. An hour later though you woke up to a text message. You looked at it. It was from Jack. You sighed with a smile. 

'Goodnight, sweets!' It said.

'Night, Jacky.' You replied. You went back to bed after that. Your pet hopped onto the bed before you fell back asleep though. It seemed happy to see you again. You pet it and soon fell back asleep.

The next day you all hung out. You just watched Youtube all day. You got a lot of people saying 'sorry for your loss' that day. You got a text from Mark.

'Hey, (Y/n)! How are you doing?' He asked.

'Alright. It's nice seeing my old house again.' You replied.

'I surprised you're taking this so well.' He said.

'Well.....I just....I'm not really close to my family. My life has always been "do it yourself" really.' You explained.

'Didn't you ever do things with them?'

'Not really. I stayed in my room to avoid fights and because I was never interested in what they liked. They weren't interested in my stuff either. I'm just kinda distant. I mean...I love my dad, but it's just weird. You know?' 

'I guess. I just can't speak from personal experience because I'm pretty close with all of my family.' 

'Yeah, and that's great! I just....wasn't like that. It was hard for me in school and such when I was 1st grade-5th grade. I always played alone, I always made up m own friends, I made toys and called them my friends, and other things like that. I was always called the "freak" in school.' 

'Aww, that's sad.' 

' It doesn't matter. I'm over it. It was a long time ago.' You said.

'Well, I'm glad you're doing ok. I bet Jack's been spamming you to see how you're doing.' He said.

'Not yet, but I'm waiting for it.' You replied. 

'Ha! Right. Well, see ya later, (Y/n)! Nice chatting with you!'

'You too Mark! Bye!' You texted. You went back to relaxing. You really didn't have anything to do. You then decided to stop being lazy and draw some art to remember your dad. You drew his favorite animal. It looked great. It had taken you hours to complete it, but it looked very real. You took a picture and posted it. You added a description and said, 'For (F/n) (L/n), my dad. I'll miss you.' You got tons of comments on it nearly right away. You smiled at peoples comments. They were so nice. 

You decided to get away from your social media life for a while. You hung out with your family all day. You all went out to dinner in honor of your father. You were glad you could spend time with them again. It'd been a long time since you had. You all enjoyed it. It was your favorite restaurant after all. 

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