Chapter 41

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Jack's POV

At about 9:10, Mark and Amy arrived. They had brought Chica too. Chica instantly took a liking to the puppies. It was lucky that the pups were big enough to play with her. Mark instantly hugged me.

"It's a while now, hasn't it?" He said.

"Heh, yeah." I agreed. He let go and Amy hugged me.

"I can't imagine what you must be feeling, Sean. We'll find her okay?" I hugged her tighter. It reminded me of how I held (Y/n). I guess I just wanted a second of the feeling back at the moment. I think both of them understood that. Neither of them said anything. Then, she let go and so did I.

"S-sorry...I-I just..."

"It's okay, man. We understand." Mark told me.

"Well, uh, you both should probably get settled. Come on." I lead them to our guest bedroom. They set their things down and then we all went back down to the living room together.

"So, what happened?" Mark asked.

"She went to get groceries, but she never came home. A woman reported witnessing everything. Apparently, she ran off with a guy she didn't know. I think it was some sort of trick. I don't know why anyone would target her though. She hasn't done anything to be targeted like that."

"Well, at least we know where she was last seen." Mark said.

"I guess, but I don't know how helpful that is now." I said.

"Don't give up hope, Sean. She'll be okay. She's tough." Amy reassured me. I chuckled a little.

"Well, you aren't wrong there." I admitted.

"We'll find her in time, I promise. We just need to find answers to all this." Mark replied. I nodded.

"Thank you both for being here. I really don't think I could handle being alone right now. The pups are great, but it's nice to have somebody who talks back to you to talk to." I said. They both smiled softly with chuckles as they nodded in agreement.

"Let's try to settle down right now. Maybe taking some time to think will help." Mark said. I nodded, praying they were right. Mark called for Chica and she came running with the pups bounding after her. I laughed a bit and Amy smiled.

"See! I told you we could help!" Amy said. I laughed a bit more.

"Well, I already said thanks." They laughed a bit too. We all were beginning to relax when another knock came at the door. I got up and answered it. I was stunned.

"Ethan? Tyler?" 

"Hey, Jack!" Ethan said, giving me a hug.  

"Hey, Sean." Tyler added.

"I may have called for more backup than just us!" Mark called. I smiled.

"You guys are amazing. I really can't thank you enough." I said.

"Don't thank us, Sean. We're all here for both you and (Y/n). You both are our friends and we'd do anything for you guys." Ethan said.

"Thanks." I said. We all settled down in the living room. I explained to Tyler and Ethan what happened and they both listened carefully to my story.

"Well, I guess right now I don't know what to tell you." Ethan said.

"Me either." Tyler added.

"Well...maybe we shouldn't be thinking about this as if all of this was real." Amy said.

"What? What do you mean? How can we just think of this as 'not real'?" I asked.

"Well, of course all of this is real, but what would we do if it wasn't?" She said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like the games you guys play. What's the one thing you always do during mysteries or any type of search for something event?"

"Look at everything." I pieced together.

"Is there anything you might have overlooked, Jack?"

"Her car. I never really searched her car for anything out of place. It didn't seem like there was a need to with the story the woman told me. Maybe there's something in there?" I said.

"Or, if the story matches what actually happened, maybe there's something that isn't in the car." Ethan said. 

"Let's take a look." Mark suggested. We all walked out to the car and began looking around. I had taken the kets out of the car and taken them inside, so those weren't in the car, but that wasn't unexpected. We all looked around, and I did notice something. 

"Guys, I think I got something." I said. They all came over to me as I held her bag.

"What's up with it?" Tyler asked.

"Her phone isn't in it and it's nowhere in the car. If her phone isn't with the car..."

"(Y/n) still has it on her!" Amy said.

"But, I don't think she'll pick up if I try calling. Plus if she's being kept somewhere, it'll be for the best if they don't know she has her phone on her, if they haven't already found it." I said.

"Maybe we can track it instead!" We all looked up as somebody called to us. I smiled.

"Bob! Wade!" I exclaimed. "You got them too?" 

"Yep." Mark replied. The two of them came inside. We'd figure out the arrangments later. We had to see if Bob's idea would work. I began to work on getting a tracking signal from (Y/n)'s phone. As I worked, everyone waited in tense silence. Then, a location popped up on my phone. I was shocked but thrilled. We knew where she was! 

"We found her!" Ethan said happily.

"Guess we're better detectives than the cops." Wade said.

"If we go now, we might be at risk. They could be expecting us. We should go tomorrow night, and turn the tracker off after you screenshot that map. It'll show someone's watching on (Y/n)'s phone and who it is. Let's hope we'll be right on time." Bob said.

"What are we going to do once we get there? We have no idea what we're running into." Tyler said.

"I think our neighbors can help with that." I said. 

"They have permits and everything because they like hunting. Maybe they have some things that could help us." I explained.

"Are you saying we should bring GUNS?" Mark asked, clearly not 100% okay with that.

"Mark, someone kidnapped her. What do you think will happen if we go completely unarmed? Tyler is right. We need something." I explained. He sighed.

"Alright, but no firing until you sure that it's the right way to go. Agreed?"

"Agreed." We all said together.

"I hope she's alright." I said.

"We're gonna get her back, Sean." Bob said.

"I hope we get her back unscathed." 

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now