Chapter 31

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Jack's POV

I yawned as I woke up the next morning. I looked at the clock. It's already quarter to 10!? I freaked out when I saw how late it was in the morning. I quickly got out of bed, got dressed, and made sure my hair didn't look like a total mess. 

I hurried down the stairs, but I paused once I made it down to the main floor. I heard music playing from a different room. I went to see what was going on. I assumed (Y/n) was doing something, but the question was what.

When I walked into the room, I smiled. It was clear that our things had arrived, or at least some of them did. (Y/n) was working on placing her things in the room she had chosen to be her new recording room. I chuckled as she sang along to the music playing on her phone. She was looking through the boxes to see what was what.

"Goodmorning." I chuckled. She turned and smiled.

"Morning, Jack! Sorry I didn't wake you up. I just thought you needed the sleep." She said as she stood up and faced me with a shy and innocent smile while also having the lightest tint of pink on her face. God, she's adorable. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Don't worry about it. I can tell you have most things under control anyway." I said. She smiled.

"Thanks. Oh! I put the boxes with your things in your new recording room!" She said. I nodded. 

"Have you had anything to eat?" I asked, concerned that she hadn't had any breakfast. She chuckled.

"Don't worry, Sean. I went to a little breakfast cafe place in town and got something to go. I got something for you too! They're really good! We can go there together next time, promise." She said. I smiled.

"Sounds good to me!" I agreed. I gave her a quick kiss to thank her before heading to see what she had gotten for me. 

I saw a paper bag on the kitchen counter. I opened it up and I saw a delicious looking breakfast burger. I heated it up since it had cooled down a bit and then I sat down to eat. I took the first bite and I practically moaned at the taste. She was right. This is amazing! I kept eating it, trying not to inhale it by accident since it was so good.

Once I finished, I threw away the bag and the napkins I had used before heading to my own new recording room. Our rooms were in different places of the house so that way if we were recording at the same time, we wouldn't hear each other shouting and we wouldn't have it pick up on our videos. It would be funny if it happened a few times, I admit, but if it happened all the time it would be annoying and become a problem. It was for the best.

I looked around the new room and I began to think of where I shout put things. I had to think about my desk and such first since it was the most important thing. I decided that it would probably be best if I put it near the center of the room. The door would be in the background, but I could hang my whiteboard there with some lights. I could put my shelf off to the side and I'd place all of my things on it later. For the time being, it was probably best to start with the foam pads on the walls. (Y/n) had advised me to start with that. 

I got to work. I played some of my own music as I worked. I smiled as listened to my music while getting things done. I worked for a while before I suddenly felt arms around my waste. I smiled as I turned and saw (Y/n) holding onto me and nuzzling her face into my shoulder. I chuckled. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her.

"Come to visit me, huh?" I teased. 

"Yep." She replied. I smiled and I leaned in closer to her. 

"Well, what if I want to get things done?" I said teasingly. 

"Okay." She said with a shrug and began to leave, easily slipping out of my grasp. I was stunned that she reacted that way.

"W-what? H-hey! (Y/n)!" I said. She smirked at me over her shoulder. 

"What? I thought you wanted to work?" She said, faking her innocence. 

"I-I was kidding!" I said. She giggled and came back over to me. She kissed me and I kissed her back. It only lasted a few seconds since she pulled back kind quick. She grinned at me. 

"You really are a doofus." She said. I smiled. I opened my mouth to reply, but she kissed me again. I let out a startled noise of surprise, but I quickly melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, bringing me closer. The kiss escalated as she did. I felt my heart pounding inside my chest. It always did when I kissed her. I felt her playing with my the ends of my hair. I smiled a little. I would never get used to this feeling. I don't know how many times I've said that now, but it's never untrue or even less true. 

When we both pulled away she smiled at me. I chuckled at her and brushed a bit of her hair out of her face. She giggled too. Then she hugged me as close to herself as she possibly could. "I love you, Sean." I kissed her forehead. 

"I love you too, sweetheart." I told her. Then, the song playing on my phone changed into a more dance worthy song and we both grinned at each other. "Care for a dance, M'lady?" I asked.

"I would love to." She replied. I took her hand and pulled her into a dance. We both laughed together as we had our fun. Then, I tripped on accident and tumbled, pulling her down to the ground with me. We both yelped as we toppled over. She landed on top of me, but she quickly broke out laughing. I did too. Once we were done laughing our asses off, she cuddled into my chest, remaining on top of me and preventing me from getting up as well.

"Sorry." I chuckled.

"Don't be. That was perfect!" She shouted with a laugh. I grinned with another light-hearted chuckle. I cupped her cheek. 

"And you call me a doofus." 

"Who's the one that fell?" I blushed a bit with an embarrassed smile.

"Fair enough." I replied. She giggled. She brushed my hair with her fingers, which was now messy from the tumble, back to how it was supposed to be. She cupped my cheek and gave me a swift peck on the lips.

"I'm glad that you chose me of all girls to be with. I don't know what my life would be like without you in it." I smiled.

"I can say the same for you, love." I replied. She smiled.

"It's always a tie, isn't it?" 

"Heh, who cares who wins with us anyway? Why would I want to be better than you? If I could, that is." I told her. She smiled.

"Well, to me you already are and always were." She explained. I chuckled.

"I know, but you're the same to me. At least we'll never get into a fight over that." I said.

"True. I'm glad we won't ever do that." She agreed. 

"I love you."

"I love you too, but let's get back to work. We do have a lot to get done." I nodded.

"Yeah. We do. Mind helping me with the foam?"

"Let's get moving!"

A Boss and an Angel (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now