Chapter 28

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It was almost time to move. Just a few days now. You were pretty excited. You couldn't wait. Jack was eager too, but he was also a little nervous. You reassured him that it would be fine and he was always thankful that you were there to help him. 

While you were happy to be going somewhere that would work better for both of you, you also had another reason to be happy about the move. You had gotten a text from that person again. It only read one word, 'soon'. It scared you pretty bad, your mind coming up with all kinds of possible meanings for it. You couldn't wait to get away. Once you left, you'd feel much safer and much better. 

You never told Jack about it, afraid that he'd do something that would make it worse or that you would get him involved and put him in danger. The fear was beginning to have an effect on you. Jack was beginning to notice that you were more alert. You were jumpy. He asked you about it, but you'd always brush it off like you had no idea what he was talking about. 

You were having more and more trouble hiding it. It was getting worse and you were up to the point of having nightmares about it. One night you had even woken up screaming and Jack had quickly calmed you down. When he asked what happened you lied and told him you had dreamed that you both had gotten into another fight and it had ended really badly. He comforted you of course, but his words didn't help settle your fears. The sooner you moved, the better. 

You were sitting in your recording room, looking over how barren everything looked. All of your things were in boxes and the only thing left up was your recording equipment and your computer. You went onto your computer to work on some more artwork. As you were working, you paused, thinking of the texts. You felt like there was something you were missing. You wished you knew what it was. 

As you thought over it, you hadn't noticed that you had been sitting there for 10 minutes already and that someone had come in to check on you. You were startled when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked over and noticed Jack had come over to you.

"Hey, you okay? You seem kinda...out of it." He asked, trying to give you a kind smile, but his concern showed through in his blue eyes. You faked a smile.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I just got distracted." You replied. He looked a little skeptical. He sighed. 

"(Y/n), please talk to me. I know you've been keeping something from me. What's going on? I thought we both said we'd talk about these kinds of things." You frowned. I just...I can't tell him. What am I supposed to say?

"Sean...I..." He looked hopeful for a moment. "I'm sorry. I just have been feeling a little...unsafe." Okay, that's not a LIE. 

"Unsafe? How?" He asked.

"I just...I don't know. I have this feeling like something is going to happen." Okay, it's not a lie. I'm not LYING to him. You told yourself. He hugged you.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry." You flinched. Great. He thinks it's because of him. "I promise I won't do anything to you. I know I hurt you, but I felt so bad about it-"

"Sean." He stopped.


"It's not you I'm afraid of." You said. 

"Wait...then...what's wrong?" He asked. You sighed.

"I...I got a few texts...from that number. I-I don't know how or why, but...whoever that is....t-they want to kill me." He looked stunned.

"(Y/n) why didn't you tell me about this?"

"B-because I was scared that you'd get involved and then they'd be after you too." He hugged you tighter.

"You don't have to be afraid. I admit that it's scary, but we'll be fine. We're moving soon anyway. It's gonna be fine. We'll get away and you'll be safe! I promise." He told you. You smiled, feeling truly better for the first time in a while. 

"Thank you, Sean." 

"Anything, anytime." He replied. You both hugged for a while longer until he left to go do some more things. You finished up your artwork and you posted a speedpaint video because you had the opportunity. It was one of those 'why not?' moments. 

Once you finished up, you went to go relax. You walked to the bedroom and you collapsed onto the bed. You snuggled the pillow and closed your eyes. A few minutes later, you felt the other side of the bd dip in. You opened your eyes with a smile. Jack smiled back before pulling you close to him and cuddling with you.

"I love you, never forget that, okay?" He said. You chuckled.

"Believe me, I will never forget that." You promised him. You both fell asleep after that.

Jack's POV

"SEAN!!" I shot to my feet, eyes wide. 

"(Y/n)!?" I looked around. I was alone in a building. It looked old and abandoned. I was confused. How the hell did I get here? I heard a scream. I knew that voice. "(Y/n)!!" I ran toward it as fast as I could. I made it to another room and I looked around. As I was looking around, I found blood on the carpet. I felt terror running through my body. "(Y/N)!! ANSWER ME!!" I shouted. Nothing. Then, I heard another scream. I rushed toward it. 

I made it to the roof and I looked around. There was nothing there, but I suddenly I felt a blast of heat and I was thrown off the roof. I screamed, but I was then doused in water. It was ice cold and I screamed again at the stabbing pain all over my body. I was an idiot for doing that because my lungs filled with water. I choked for a moment, but then everything just stopped. 

I shot awake. I looked around, panting and shaking a little. I was in my apartment and (Y/n) was still sleeping next to me. I took a few deep breaths to calm down. I rubbed my head, brushing my hair back with my hand with a sigh. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I didn't want to go back to sleep, but I knew it would probably be for the best for my health. I had been doing a lot of work lately and so had (Y/n). Moving wasn't easy and we hadn't even moved yet. We both needed rest. I just hoped I would actually get some the second time through. I was glad to be greeted by an almost calming darkness the second time I was able to drift off to sleep.

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