Chapter 29

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(If you can, please listen to the music while reading. It really sets the mood. The song is called 'Eyes Closed by Thomas Bergersen' if you want to have it play on a different app or something while your reading because you can't listen to it here. It really helped set the mood for me.)

Jack's POV

It was finally the day. I was a bit nervous, but I tried my best to hide it so (Y/n) wouldn't have me to stress over too. I didn't want her to worry. She had already been having a rough time lately. 

We arrived at the airport a little early, just as planned. We had to get ready very early in the morning to catch the plane on time. Since everything was packed up, we got ready early so we could eat before getting onto the plane. We went to the little cafe/bakery place there and we got some things to eat for breakfast.

As we ate, we made sure to keep track of the time. Once we finished, it was nearly time to go. It was better to be early than late, so we left anyway. As always at airports, it took a while to actually get onto the plane, but we got on.

As we both sat down, I noticed how tired she really was. I felt bad for her. All of those nightmares really had taken effect on her. I gently took her hand and she looked over at me. She smiled softly at me. 

"You alright?" I asked her. 

"Yeah. I'm okay. I...I don't look too hot, do I?" She asked.

"Not really. You look a bit out of it too." She sighed.

"Sorry, Sean. I don't mean to do this stuff. I just..." I kissed her cheek.

"It's okay. Just try to get some sleep now, okay?" She smiled.

"I'll try, but...what if I wake up with a scream again?" She asked, nervous. I held her hand tighter.

"I'm right here. Don't forget that. It's alright. Nothing is going to happen to you, baby. I'm right here." I reassured her. She relaxed.

"Okay." I smiled at her as she started to fall asleep. 

"Sleep tight, (Y/n)." I whispered. She fell asleep and I laid back in my chair too. I closed my eyes and I soon joined her in her sleep. 

As I was dreaming, I woke up and I was...outside. I was surrounded by flowering trees and some had beautiful faded leaves. Oranges, reds, yellow, some maroons and some pinks were splashed in too. The flowers were all white though. I didn't understand it. Where was I? If these trees were losing their leaves, why were they all in bloom? 

I saw the sun setting ahead of me. I walked forward, but I saw that I was at a cliff side. A beach was far below me, the sun setting over the ocean out ahead of me. I know it sounds cheezy. It looked like I was a part of a cartoon or animated movie. The colors were all real though. It was breathtaking. All I could do was stare. 

Then, I turned. I turned and I saw something I never thought I'd see. I saw (Y/n). She was in a beautiful dress. For a moment, I believed it was actually happening. I believed it all. But then...I realized none of it could be really happening. I knew it was a dream, but it wasn't a bad one. Not even a little. I walked over to her. She smiled at me.

"Hello, Sean."

"Hey." I replied with a smile. 

"Hmm, I see you understand what's going on."

"I might not be the smartest, but this is a bit excessive." I chuckled. She smiled at me.

"Would you like to have a seat?" She asked. I nodded. We both walked over to the cliff side. Our legs dangled off the edge, but even though I do have a fear of heights, at least I was mostly safe right now. 

"You look beautiful, Dream (Y/n)."

"Of course I do. It's your dream, Sean." I chuckled a little.

"I have to admit, I've never had a dream like this before." 

"Why do you think that is?" She asked. I was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You've never had a dream like this. How come?" She asked. 

"I don't know. I can't control what I dream about." I said.

"Actually, to an extent, you can. It's your mind, Sean." She explained.

"Well, I still don't understand why this is happening. I love all this, but I don't get why I want to dream about...this." She chuckled.

"Sean, I'm wearing a white dress. It's so beautiful out here. It's just the two of us. Don't you get it?" She asked.

"Get what?" I asked in return.

"It's like every romance movie. The two chosen lovers are together in the end. They're happy. It's the perfect setting for an ending." She told me.

"Ending?" I asked, a little worried about what she meant by that.

"Sean, we all have choices to make. Most of them are never easy as adults and even throughout childhood for that matter. But if I'm wearing a dress like this, what do you think it means?" She asked.

"Well it looks like a wedding dress-" I cut off. "No. No, no, NO! I'm not nearly ready for that!" I said, getting extremely scared.

"This is your dream, Sean. Why would you dream of me in a wedding dress...if you didn't want it?"

"I...I..." I had no answer for that. 

"Do you love me?" I looked at her.

"Of course I love you! Erm...well, the real (Y/n). Y-you know what I mean!" I said. 

"Then why do you think you would want to dream of me like this?" She asked.

"Because...because I....because I want to spend my life with her, forever. Forever and ever and forever past that." I said. She smiled.

"Then maybe you should make the choice on how you want to do that." She told me. I frowned.

"'re just in my head. How can I know hat she's actually going to say?" I asked.

"You need to decide. Sean, if you love her, then prove it. Prove you want to love her forever. If you don't, you might regret never asking her." 

"Nothing is going to keep (Y/n) away from me-" I paused. "Wait...(Y/n)'s been having nightmares lately. I've had a few lately too. What if..." I froze. "What's going to happen to us?"

"I can't tell you anything else, Sean. I'm just a part of your dream, remember?"

"Can't you tell me anything?" I asked. She sighed.

"All I know is that you have to make a choice. It's all the help I can give you. Choose wisely, Sean." She began to disappear and so did the world around me.

"Wait! There has to be something else! Anything else! Why can't you tell me!?" I shouted, but it was too late. I woke up and I was back on the plane. I looked over at (Y/n) who was sleeping soundly. I thought about what had just happened. I felt a very powerful sense of strength within myself. I don't know what to do, but I won't let anything happen to you. I know I've made a lot of promises, but I promised you this from the start. I'll always protect you. I held her hand ever so slightly tighter. Always.

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