The start

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Lucy heartfillia was a famous angel in heaven because of her beauty, she was envied by others that some of them even tried to kill her!!!
But of course she was raised to be perfect and to be smart she knew it from the start that they were doing everything they can to get rid of her but luckily there was on angel who understand her and that was Levy Mcgarden "ummm.. hey lu-chan do you think I'm beautiful?" Levy said to lucy like she was about to cry "oh! Of course levy-chan! your beautiful...wait who said your not beautiful? Huh? Im gonna beat them up!" Lucy said raising her fist up and angrily glaring at the sky " i-its just that the other angels told me that I should not be hanging out with you" levy said crying a little, lucy's soften her gaze at her now crying friend she dropped her hand down and patted her friend's head "awww come on levy-chan don't listen to them their just jealous that your hanging around me and besides what did I tell you? I'll never ever talk behind your back or dislike you" lucy said as she keeps patting her friend's head slowly, levy looks up wipes her tears and giggles "o-ok lu-chan I believe you and I know that your not made to lie cayse if you do you'll know what will happen" lecy says threatening "yea yea I know hehe oh by the way wanna go by the bookstore? I heard that they have new shipments just this morning I think?"she says putting her finger in her chin tapping it while thinking correctly "wait I thi--woah!"lucy coudnt finish her sentence by her friend grabbing her hand flying towards the bookshop as fast as her tiny wings can as lucy knowing her position that she was making her friend lose her stamina on wasting energy on her wings she began to flap her wings in sync with her friend, but atlast they made it into the bookshop they always go but stop at the shop's door frst to regain their breaths " d-do you really n-need to do t-that levy? *inhaling and exhaling*" levy looked up to her friend and pointed at the clock just outside the shop tirely lucy looked up and realized what time was her eyes widen and shouted"oh my gosh! We we're about to be late from being closed! Oh thank goodness your a life saver levy-chan!" As soon as she said that she bowed playfully to her friend and said to her "oh!praise this beloved angel to have- blah blah blah" lucy giggled and stand up and looked at her friend and they both laughed at what lucy just did "hahahaha! Lu-chan I n-never hahaha! Thought you had it in ya! Hahahahaha!" Levy said crying of laughter "hahahahahaha! Me too levy-chan hahahahahaha!"lucy said while rolling in the air laughing


"Haha...ok ok lets go inside now lu-chan" levy said opening the door "alright alright hahaha.... c-coming pfft!" Lucy said laughing a bit while going inside the door that levy hold up to her and then levy got inside after closing the door after her

 c-coming pfft!" Lucy said laughing a bit while going inside the door that levy hold up to her and then levy got inside after closing the door after her

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Thats how levy look like people!!!

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