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Levy knowing what he's talking about got a little bravery knowing that she did some good things like she persisted Lucy that he needs her but didn't listen

"I knew it ever since you two first on the gardens"

Silence took over the room as soon as it did Natsu asked
"Why didn't you tell me then?"

Levy gulps nervous that ge may blow

"I-I wanted to t-tell you but s-since she's my friend I-I can't b-betray her-"
Levy was cut off by a sudden movement then in seconds she couldn't breath

Levy was chocking as the king held her up high

"Then your betraying me "

Natsu threw Levy across her room and got out but not before ordering the guards around them

"Bring her to the dungeons, then I will see what I can do for her punishment"

Levy too tired to move let the guards throw her in the dungeons . Laying on the moldy bed she silently prayed for Lucy to be safe

Meanwhile to Lucy

Lucy rests on the tree that she had found, grasping the lacrima in her hands she starts to hum a magic song that was taught to angels like her

As she starts to hum the grass where her foot lays grew newer ones and more... healthy ones

But tears came and  when it fell to her lap it magically became ethereal roses signaling that her mate's flower is an ethereal meaning

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But tears came and when it fell to her lap it magically became ethereal roses signaling that her mate's flower is an ethereal meaning... a demon king

So she waited until Natsu and his soldiers to come looking for her

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So she waited until Natsu and his soldiers to come looking for her

Summoning her wings she stretched it out, for being not groomed to well some of her feathers fell to the ground

Summoning her wings she stretched it out, for being not groomed to well some of her feathers fell to the ground

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Walking deeper to the forest she found a clearing, moonlight adorning her features

She shook her wings a bit then flew

She flew until she reached the clouds. Laughing as she touched it she embraces it, it's fluffy texture was like a bed to her

Sighing in content she thought about her life on heaven thinking' even in heaven there's still crime being done, how ironic it is for a kind of name like heaven '

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Sighing in content she thought about her life on heaven thinking
' even in heaven there's still crime being done, how ironic it is for a kind of name like heaven '

Sighing she flew down to the ground again only for a ring of fire to surround her encasing her in

"And to think you can get away from me... I am surprised that you snuck past my guards"

Gulping she looked at the source of the voice only to see Natsu

His eyes bloodshot red, flames around his body radiating so much heat and the cage isn't helping

Soldiers came out of nowhere

Natsu disabled the magic cage and grabbed Lucy by her wrist. His heat was enough to give her a burn, hissing at the pain she held her tears

"W..where are t..taking me?"
Lucy asked

"To the dungeon where you will learn not to mess with the bond"

"B-but I didn't m-mess with it!"

Natsu pushing her towards a soldier
" Take care of her Gray..."

Feeling a small movement indicated that he nodded


Gray led Lucy to the darkest part of the dungeon, her fear of the dark made her anxiety rise

She held Gray's arm as she felt her fingertips become cold by fear

Gray opened one cell gate and sat her on one of the beds, then creating as ice that acted as a nightlight easing her a bit

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Gray opened one cell gate and sat her on one of the beds, then creating as ice that acted as a nightlight easing her a bit

Gray stared at her burned wrist, grasping her hand he tore one of the bedsheets then summoning ice cubes then placing it on the tored fabric and wrapping it around her burned wrists

He stood up and said
"Sorry if he hurt you. Don't worry in us demons if we hurt our mate we too will get the same wounds"

"What's so good about that?"
Lucy asked

Gray sighs remembering she was also a past angel

He just ruffled her hair
"Haha hey!"
Lucy giggles

Gray chuckles
"Natsu may act like a kid from time to time but he knows how serious this mate bond is"
After that he walked away

Timeskip to three days

Gray visited her from time to time to see how she was but every time he did, he would see bunch of ethereal roses

Not knowing the angel culture he shrugged it thinking that it was Natsu giving her the roses

But one faithful day when he visited her...

Haha my readers Haha
Sorry if the drawings messy it's just that my tablet is lpw on battery and I was also hurrying

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