Nice you

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Lucy and Natsu leaves Mavis and Zeref on the throne as Natsu thought it would be a good idea to introduce Lucy properly and that Zeref and Mavis could talk.

Lucy has her arms linked with Natsu, her fingertips getting cold of feeling nervous. The demons glanced at them every time they passed by.

Natsu leads Lucy to his friends or.... as others say representatives.

The dragon slayers waved at Lucy and Natsu.

"Natsu! Didn't know you had a mate-- oh it you!!" Sting yells as he points at Lucy

The demons around them stared in disbelief as someone pointed to the future queen and waited at what Lucy would do.

Lucy gulps nervously as she felt the stares of others at her back. Natsu notices this and glares at him.

Sting sweats and puts his hands out in defeat
"O-ok ok.. s-sorry..."

The demons grunts in disappointment as their future ruler didn't show authority at the disrespect she was given.

"Sorry... Sting right? For bumping into you earlier the other day..." Lucy softly says

Natsu didn't even need to glance at him to know what to say.

"It's ok! Ok! It was my fault for not looking your...highness.." Sting replies as he bows down in out most respect and in fear of angering the salmon haired king more.

Rouge whispers beside him
"What's with the pause?--oof!

Sting elbows his dark haired friend in the stomach and whispers back.

"Oh shut up dude!"


"Lucy this is Sting and Rouge, they are my representatives and the one's in charge of the light and shadow dragon's lair." Natsu states as he points at the two.

"Hi!" Lucy greets

"Hello" Rouge says back

"...Hello.." Sting says

Natsu then turns Lucy to Gajeel
"This is Gajeel, since his father is still alive he works under the palace as my 3rd commander"

"Ah nice to see you again Gajeel" Lucy says, her brain remembering the first time they met... the smoothies

"Nice to see you too bunny-- Lucy" Gajeel replies and gulps as he almost called her a bunny girl.

Natsu then introduced her to the remaining dragon slayers.


Lucy laughs together with dragon slayers, her stomach churning at the jokes and their fights.

"Yeah! And when I saw him wearing that his face was red!" Sting shouts as he laughs

Rouge blushes at the memory
"It wasn't my idea to fucking wear a lingerie for Minerva!!" Rouge shouts back as he punch Sting on his arm repeatedly.

Sting makes a face at him
"You still went with it though~"


Rouge punches him, Sting blocks his punches.
"Ah! Ok! Ok! Sorry!"

The others laughs

"Stop laughing guys!!"


The group turns to a sky blue short haired girl, her brown eyes staring at Sting.

"Ah! Yukino! Come here let me introduce you to Lucy!" Sting commands

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