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After flying a bit and chatting with Juvia.

The trio went into their separate ways.

"Juvia where are you gonna go?"

Juvia turned to them
"Juvia isn't supposed to be here, she should've been on west gate guarding but stumbled upon Levy and Lucy-san"

Lucy stared at Juvia worriedly as Levy asked her
"Won't you get in trouble Juvia-san?"

Juvia giggles and smiles widely
"No, Juvia is friends with the general"

Lucy and Levy chuckled
"Juvia-san is using the title neh?~"
Levy said jokingly

Levy thoughtf for a moment
"But Juvia-san who's the general?"

Juvia grins
"Gajeel-kun of course!, Juvia and him were childhood friends!"


Levy wouldn't lie, she kinda felt a tinge of jealousy when she thought that Juvia and Gajeel were in a romantic relationship, but of course Levy remembered

I am his mate!

Lucy glanced her friend and chuckles.

I bet she got jealous or something

Lucy then stared at the wall infront of her and Levy thinking of a solution on how to get over the other side.

And besides the sun was coming up and Mira was gonna send her a demon that's gonna help her plan for the introductory.

C'mon Lucy gotta think fast and Natsu will check by your room sometime now gotta be fast!!

Lucy thought on flying but it will alarm the guards, and she can't summon one of the zodiacs as she is outside the castle.

Lucy then remembers Levy's power of words, she could make her summon outward rocks on the wall so they could climb.. but it will also make a sound.

Hmm what to do!

Lucy was sweating, if she got caught by Natsu that she snuck out he will kinda keep her in and be supervised.

Levy noticed Lucy panicking and it started affecting her too, whispering she activated her power,

"Solid Script ladder"

Levy screamed internally wishing that the ladders won't make to much sound when it falls.

Surprisingly it doesn't. Lucy looked at the ladders and facepalms, " why didn't I think about that before?!"

Levy grins at Lucy and places the ladder in place.

Lucy and Levy only had one thing in mind

"God I hope this works"

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