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After the introduction of both girls they decided to have a sleepover. Laughing and having a good time with each other was their objective, but not Lucy...

Lucy didn't want the others to find out that's why it only got worse when they decided to invite Levy

Lucy POV
Smiling nervously I excused my self to the bathroom
"Hey guys I gotta go to the bathroom first ok?"

All of them turned to me and said

"Be fast!"

I nodded speed walking outside but stopped when my eyes locked into Levy

Levy POV
As our eyes connected I understood it immediately and mouthed to her
"Don't worry your secrets are safe"

Lucy POV
Nodding I walked out the door. Humming a tune that my mother once sang I walked slowly along the hallway

Looking at the night sky while the lava acted as the nightlight

I frowned knowing if my mother saw me now she would be disappointed. Walking faster but slowly finding my self getting pulled to the garden

Out of my trance I was surprised seeing my self here but breathed out slowly as I took off my gloves

"The other's would start to notice and remove this but I couldn't let that happen"

As on cue a voice asked "why dear, why couldn't you let him know?"
I turn around only to find a woman standing elegantly in the night, her exotic colored hair was flowing, her dress black as the darkest diamond she smiled like an angel but had feathers of a demon

I asked "who are you?"

She reaches my side and pulled me down to sit with her "I prefer you not knowing me my dear"

I gasped "a-are you an enemy?"

She laughs lightly
"Your just like him when he was young Lucy, asking the person if he was this or that"

I maybe looked like a scared dog right now but knowing she looks angelic doesn't mean she's not a enemy as they say never judge a book by its cover

"So what are you here for then?"slowly calming down

"You triggered my soul to come out dear Lucy, and I only come out to specific kinds of people ya know"

I glanced at my scale covered hand "so you know my secret then I presume?"

She looks at my hand and holds it lightly
"Soon enough it won't be a secret dear, your fate is a persistent one"

She continues "you will never be able to hide it forever"

Suddenly her appearance changes into a horrific one

Suddenly her appearance changes into a horrific one

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(Sorry I dont know the colors of grandeeney)

Her tears seemed to burn her skin off as her hair started falling off, she started to rot and fume out a rotting smell

She grabs my arms and shouted-cried
"TelL hIm DaMmIt!! He'S SuFferIng!! My BaBy's SufFerIng!!!!!!!!!"

Tears suddenly go down my face as I stared at her

Tears suddenly go down my face as I stared at her

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"Ma'am I am s-so so-sorry but I-I can't!"

She glares at me and shouts
"TelL hIm!!!"

She grabs my neck and chants "TELL HIM! TELL HIM!!!!"

When I was about to lose consciousness I heard someone shout"Hey! Get away from her!"

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When I was about to lose consciousness I heard someone shout
"Hey! Get away from her!"

The lady turned to him,gasped and disappeared

As my vision came back warmth enveloped me and I saw pink hair, I was supposed to push him away knowing he was the king but my strength was no where to be found
"H-hey it's allright, I'll bring you to the nurse"

After that my world turned black...

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