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Lucy and Levy giggles as the ran to the forest.

It might look scary but Lucy has been there before.

Going deeper unlike the last time they searched for a clearing wide enough for both of them.

Finding one they immediately sat down at the center.

"Haha Lu-chan, we haven't had this bonding in quite a while.."

Lucy nods and both of them looks up the sky.

"You know Lu-chan, for he'll I didn't expect it to be.. peaceful"

"I know Levy-chan, we always thought he'll was destructive....at least that's what heaven told us before"

Suddenly they heard something coming at them fast

What is that?!
Both Levy and Lucy thought as they dodged the incoming object.

Both pushed themselves away from the object's way, pushing themselves in the dirt.

"A-are you ok Levy-chan?!"


Hearing the rustle of leaves they looked ahead where the noise came from.

It rustled some more before it revealed.....

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