Helping a friend

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Weeks pass and Juvia had confided at Lucy, the memories Juvia receives were like foreign materials to the fact she doesn't know what to do with them.

Lucy adviced her to hang out with Gray, but with his position in Natsu's army...Let's Just say his schedules are quite hectic.

And every time Gray sees Juvia she'd run away in embarrassment.

"Why do you keep running away Juvia? How can we gain more of your memories if you keep pushing him away??" Lucy asks, the constant running of Juvia away from the main goal was starting to annoy her.

"B-but my actions before are so em-embarrassing!! J-Juvia was so blinded by love she kept pestering G-Gray!" Juvia shoots back, her cheeks were red as she blushed.

Oh yeah... Juvia also changes from 3rd person and 1st person.

When Lucy asked Mira and Wendy about the 3rd person dilemma, they just said..

"Hey umm Mira! Wendy!" Lucy shouts out as she runs to them.

The girls turns to her and smiles.

"What did you need Lucy-san?" Wendy asks.

"Umm Juvia is talking in 3rd person... is that normal for her?" She asks as she twiddle her fingers.

"Oh yeah! It is" Wendy says

"She spoke like that in the past, before she came here she was already like that" Mira says.

"She was even calling Gray, Gray-sama"

"Oh ok thanks!!" Lucy yells and runs away.

Lucy sat on the ethereal rose garden, the ethereal roses covered one portion of the garden and couldn't be contained.

The sun always shined brightly at that place, wind blew in the evening too.

If you are lucky enough you'll see the roses glow an orange his from the center.

They said that since Natsu had fire magic it gave out orange glow.

There was also one portion of the garden which contained Zeref's black roses.

Lucy didn't go there as it was only for the mate, she was also glad Mavis did the same.

"Is there no rain here?" Lucy asks herself.

The kingdom was in he'll, despite it being there it had scenery like any other worlds may have. May it be the middle or the heaven.

Though heaven takes pride and showed off only clouds to make them the bright ray of hope.

"Uggh, the demons here are not like what the angels said they would be~" She mumbles, the angels had told them demons were ruthless and merciless and that they attack on instinct.

But when she got here it was true...The instinct part. They are demons after all.

They take on animal behaviour and protects their own kind. The nobles she had met on the announcing were all hostile as she was new and powerless.

Their eyes showed hostility if one enters their kind so suddenly.

"My history of being an angel isn't helping me at all"

Once a rumour starts that she's a fallen angel they would either send out more assassins or Natsu would have no choice and fully turn her into a demon.

Lucy would accept the transforming part too.

"I'd rather transform than having my life taken!" Standing up she pouted her way to her room.

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