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Zeref drops Lucy off to her room and left immediately, saying he didn't want a fight to erupt between him and Natsu.

Lucy removes her clothes and washed herself, the memories of dust and spider webs touching chilled her up to her spine.

She sits on her marble tub, the strawberry scented shampoo and vanilla soap filled the room, the rose scented candles lit the marble royal bathroom.

She dives her face just under the water, her nose and eyes up. She thinks of when she saw the girl Mavis.

"When did I see her... She looked awfully familiar to me.. maybe I could ask Levy tomorrow"

Lucy stands up from the tub and covers herself with the towel, her hair drying the second she got out.


Lucy lays on her soft bed, her heart beating as her excitement for tomorrow was through the palace roof.

Her gown was placed on a mannequin just by the window.

She stands up and walks to the gown, examining every feature.

She was still curious on why Mira whispered the kind of dress they wanted to have.

"It looks normal to me.." Lucy mutters

A knock was heard, she turns her head to the door as it opens.

"Oh.. hi! Didn't know you were still awake" Natsu says, he enters and closes the door behind him.

"Oh.. haha yeah.. I'm just nervous"

"Nervous? For tomorrow?"


Natsu walks closer to her and holds her hands, he caresses it with care. His rough hands caressing her soft skin.

They both blushed,
"You know... when Lissanna was still here, we were never able to do this kind of stuff, she said something felt off or wrong"


"Haha.. yeah, I was really sad and heartbroken at what she does, yes we hugged, held hands but... never like this"

Lucy raises a brow
"What do you mean?"

" Well... She woudnt hold for too long, she always had regret and ... sadness in her eyes"

"I always asked myself if she didn't love me like I love her... I JUST didn't know why she was distant" Natsu says sadly

"It's because she wasn't supposed to be your mate in the first place.." Lucy says to herself

Lucy hugs him and He hugged her, they both stood under the moonlight in each other's arms.


The day has come!!!!!

The maids assigned to the two rushed to their beds first thing in the morning, as it was announcing on who would be the queen was an important task, first impressions matter.

The maids bathed Natsu and Lucy, their hands worked diligently scrubbing every inch.

Lucy was dried and was sat in the chair, the demons worked on her face while the others on her hair.

As they finished they carefully took out the gown and gently put it on her.

As they finished they carefully took out the gown and gently put it on her

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