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"She was the king's most trusted...servant, she had been the king's childhood friend too"

Lucy ponders "so the king your talking about is Natsu?"

The lady chuckles "haha no..."

Lucy gasps"king Igneel"

"Yes, she took care of Natsu since he was a baby,... since his mother died giving birth to him"

"Oh... was that why she said I should go tell him my secret?"

"What secret?"

A newcomer voice asks, as Lucy turns to the source of the voice only to see Natsu

"O-oh Natsu"
Lucy nervously says, she turns to the lady only to see her nowhere

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, no one"

Natsu looks at the girl closely then decides to not push any further

"Ok, now if you may come with me I shall introduce you to someone" Natsu turns to walk the other way not waiting for her

Lucy runs up to catch up to him but staying away, not a bit close not a bit far

All they heard were their footsteps and the maid's constant moving to get away from Natsu's way and bowing

The maids looked at Lucy with Envy as she could be near the king and look at him while they are forbidden to even glance at him, so they must cast their eye down

Some of them even tried to touch the ethereal rose but failed as they burned their fingertips so they painted their skin to hide the burn

But for Lucy it had been a nightmare being a mate of the king especially that he didn't even know

She looks away still feeling all the maid's glares

Once they got far away Lucy sighs in relief only for Natsu to chuckle

"They're a little creepy no?"

"Yeah... a bit obsessed with you too"

"Well what can you say I am the king"

"Haha yeah"

After their little talk both of them stopped infront of a door that even being near got Lucy cold

The cracks under the door emitted a smoke that was cold it sent chills down her spine

"Why are we here?"Lucy asks rubbing her arms with her hands to keep warm

Natsu didn't answer instead he took of his cape and draped it over Lucy

Natsu didn't answer instead he took of his cape and draped it over Lucy

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(Sorry Natsu's hair is complicated)

Lucy's face turned red when she felt the cape's warmth envelop her

"W...why did you give your c..cape?"

Now it was Natsu's turn to turn red
"W...well you w..were cold weren't you?, now there's no reason to talk about this go in I'll follow"

Lucy clutched the cape around her as she smiled a little

Natsu POV
As lucy looked away I silently hit my face with my palm and tried to conceal my inner scream

Natsu POVAs lucy looked away I silently hit my face with my palm and tried to conceal my inner scream

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Why did I FUCKING do that?!?! She's not my mate or anything!
Uggh I'm cheating right now...
'with who are you cheating with?' END asked


' oh... ok'

"Wait, aren't you affected?, you usually react more last time Liss was alive"

'Hmm yeah'

"Ugh never mind I should stop this right now"

'Welp that's your choice hahaha'

"Huh?, what does that mean?!"

But even if I try to talk to END again all I heard was his echoing laugh

Nevermind... I got composure back and tried to look at Lucy without blushing

I clenched my hand and grit my jaw, Why do I even feel flustered when I'm around her...

I was so lost in thought but got back to reality 'cause of the cold chill me and Luce looked up to see


Since I am very pleased by your reactions in the last episode I got my lazy butt off and worked on this

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