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Zeref scans the male soldiers and notices their stare at his brother's mate. He sighs inwardly and glanced at the side, not wanting to start a scene.

"Tell us, what is the reason for your visit , Mavis Vermillion?"Zeref asked formally. Even if they were mates. They still hadn't made it into an announcing official. Like what Natsu did for Lucy.

Mavis holds in a blush. Her palm where on top of her heart is.
"I have come with my envoy as an invitation for you, your majesty, king Zeref"

"For what is this invitation?" He asked.

"It is for the ball I was planning. You could also call it an official announcing"

Lucy leaned to Zeref's side and whispers.
"She's the new rose demon, right?"

Zeref nods.
"I thought you already knew that Lucy"

Lucy frowns as she thought about it.
"Oh yeah, forgot about that" she lastly says and leaned back to her seat.


Every noble family that plans a announcing ball always must send an envoy or invitation to the king. As it was said he is positively thinking of that certain noble.

If the king rejects the invitation, might mean hostility or there were bad blood.


"Will you accept my invitation, my king?" Mavis once again questioned.

Lucy smiles
"Zeref will say yes isn't he--

Lucy turned to Zeref, he wasn't smiling. He had a neutral face as his cheeks rested on the back of his palm.

His eyes cold and sharply gazing at the envoys. Lucy followed his gaze to see the male knights that Mavis brought was staring at her. As their eyes meet, they blush and immediately removes their eyes on her.

Lucy then remembers her dress. It was a highly revealing and shows her curves. She clenches her scarf that hung loosely on her arms.

Zeref sighs and takes off his coat. He stands up and walks to Lucy's throne chair and puts his coat on her.
"There, do you wanna change?" Zeref asked his sister-in-law.

Lucy nods hesitantly and holds the coat tighter to her body. Zeref leads Lucy up and gives her to a maid.

He walks back to his throne as soon as both Lucy and the maid leaves the room. He sits on the chair.

"...say, do you want to die?"

Mavis flinched

"No, I'm asking your male envoys. They've been staring at my brother's precious mate" he states.

The male's legs shake under the pressure as they felt dread.

"You see, I don't want to cause any problem here, but... if they continue to eye the kingdom's queen, then they'll face consequences" Zeref threatens

"O-of course, your majesty. I'll make sure to have a punishment forwarded once we get back" Mavis remarked.

"You better do, Mavis. You know what will become of your knights if the 2nd king, Natsu, hears of this, right?"

"Yes"she muttered, not caring if her envoy got killed. They dare ogle at her friend.

"Good, now back to your invitation. I'll be thinking about it. I'll send a letter on my answer"

"Thank you"

"Hold up"

All of them halts, the envoy fearfully turned while Mavis smiled. Natsu stood there beside Zeref. His dark aura visible. You could see his veins show as his anger pile up.
"I need a whole envoy of soldiers. And yours seems to have cam on the right time"

Mavis smiles at him brightly.
"Of course, your majesty the 2nd king"

Natsu smirks and snaps his fingers, the envoy behimd her disappeared in a blink of an eye.
"Thank you for the envoy. You may go"

"Of course"

Mavis turned, a smile on her face. Her slave/assistant August following behind her.

The door of the throne room closes. Zeref turned to his brother.
"And why are you here so fast? You should be halfway to the twin's kingdom. Which was I hour away"

Natsu scratched his cheek and looked away.
"I forgot something...yeah.."

Zeref raises a brow at his obvious lying brother.
"Oh really?"he teased, hid eyes glancing at the back ripped clothes.

"My dear brother, you really are not good at lying. You obviously flew here" Zeref thought, snickering at his brothers antics he played along.

"If that's the case ,then better—


"NATSU!!!!" Erza thundered, she heaved and panted. Sweat trickled down her face.

"Why the heck did you go back?! We were already out the border!" She fumed, making way towards the salmon haired king.

Zeref turned to Natsu.
"Ohh~ I thought you forgot something?" He teased, his palm on his cheek.

Natsu waved his hands infront of him frantically
"Y-yeah! I did!"

"And what was that?" Zeref smiled

Natsu twiddles with his fingers nervously and avoided Zeref''s eyes
"I-I f-forgot...u-umm" he stuttered, finding it hard to find an excuse.

The black haired male sighs.
"Brother, you really have got to stop with the childish antics"

Natsu frown,his arms crossing
"What childish?! If someone ogles at my mate, I'll bash that guys head!"

Zeref stared at him
"Oh please, that's childish"

Natsu turned to him, a smirk on his face
"Well~ how about if Mavis was with another man?—


Zeref's aura darkened. His grip on his throne tightened, even giving it a little crack.
"Shut up" he glared at Natsu, a frown on his face.

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