the accident

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Natsu or also known as the king of hell sighs as he sits on the bench behind him, his friend noticing his sunken face asks "why the long face pyro?"

Expecting an angry comeback he was suprisesd when he just laid his back and closed his eyes
"Look Gray I'm not in the mood to talk..."

Gray looks at him face scrunched irritatingly "look man you said we're here to train and to take your mind off Lisanna but we cant do that since FUCKING thinking about her ALL the time!"

Natsu glares at him "well sorry but I lost a mate it's not easy as it seems Gray, how about you try it"

Gray's face turns red from anger "well I did so sorry to burst your bubble Natsu I did too"

"Well unlike mine she died yours just lost her memories"

Suddenly Gray's hand grasped Natsu's collar bringing him close to his face. Tears streaming down his face as he tries to hold back his sobs as he remembers the past...


"Gray-sama!!!" A blue haired girl screams as she runs straight towards the raven haired boy (sorry I didn't know what the color is called)

The raven haired smiles at the sight of his mate he opens his arms as she rushed into him

"Gray-sama I missed you!"she shouts as she buries her head in his chest

Gray chuckles " we've been only apart for two hours Juvia" Gray looks at his mate staring back at him with her blue beady eyes

" yea I know but that's to long you know!" Juvia crosses her arms and pouts

Gray pinches her cheeks and smiles "your soo adorable my love" he coos

Time skip to the accident

The war between the rebels and the kingdom had begun, it was ear that the kingdom was winning thanks to their general commander Erza or also known as Titania

Everybody fought, everyone was scattered everywhere

The king haven't joined the fight as he was a bit unstable so the Titania led the groups

Gray and Juvia fought side by side they had each others
backs but once Gray had let his guard down he failed to realize that she had left his side

Gray POV
I was fighting off the remaining rebels , they were beginning to outnumber me so I asked"Juvia!, I need help right now!"as seconds tick by I couldn't hear a single sound of her voice so I looked at the rebels "sorry guys I'll be busy" I blasted them with ice so cold that they've stuck to the ground

I ran everywhere using my nose to find her though it wasn't as good as Natsu's (he's a demon too) but it works... sometimes. I sniffed everywhere until I caught a scent of her I ran towards her scent only to find her unconscious on the ground

I immediately rushed to her carrying her and sliding towards the healer's tent

I put her down one bed and thought that I would stay by her side but when I looked outside our soldiers were fighting hard but they would need an extra hand

So I glanced at Juvia as she was being healed, leaning down to her I held her hand and whispered "I'll be back my love"

Standing up and about to leave I bit my lip but summed up the courage to leave

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