flashback 2

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(Still in the flashback)

Gray fought quickly though he fought for hours they finally won and captured the rebels, walking over the prisoners and about to help somebody laid a hand on him

Gray POV
Feeling someone touch me I glanced to see who it was...

It was Erza her eyes softened at me "you probably should rest Gray you fought non-stop"

I fully turned to her "but don't you guys need help bringing the rebels to the dungeon?" I asked

She sighs then talked to me again but with more stern voice " as your General Commander I order  you to rest in your chambers"


I was about to complain but then she glares at me and says "are you disobeying me?"

Droplets of sweat and chillness suddenly occurred to me I shook my head and ran off towards my chambers

Time skip

Gray was walking to his room when he  suddenly heard little footsteps, he turns towards the sound

"Gray-san!, Gray-san!" Wendy shouts as she runs o him

"What is it Wendy?"

"Juvia-san is awake!"

As soon as Gray hears those words he ran as fast as he to clinic room.

Gray throws the the dark oak door open, scanning the room he rushes towards the blue haired maiden

"How are you Juvia?!"

Gray POV
"How are you Juvia" I asked/shouted worryingly

I held her hands as she stares blankly, she tilts her head in confusion

"J-Juvia doesn't know who you are"

My body went cold as she said that, I stared at her wide eyes, I felt small droplets of sweat slide down my face and soon my tears went bursting out, raising my to caress her face as she stares at me

But suddenly she slaps my hand away
"Juvia doesn't want strangers to touch her face"
She glares at me

I sigh as I stood up and walked towards the door but stops
"I'll just give you time to recover" I muttered as I continue to walk outside

Time Skip
After that scene with Juvia she avoided me whenever I walked by it broke my heart when she glares at me especially that she is my mate that's why I asked Gajeel to look after her since she had been friends with him and also to kick other boy's asses when they got near her

Flashback END
No one POV

Gray breathes and removes his hand from Natsu's collar and turns around
"Look as your bestfriend and trainer I suggest you move on"

Natsu drops to the ground "You know that I can't do that Gray you know it"

"I know that, but how will you lead us if your... like that?, on his knees sad and depressed don't even have the stability and strength"


"Do you think Lisanna would be proud?"


"Don't worry Natsu the second chance mate will come and you know it, so be strong until she does"
Gray says continuing to walk away

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