They thought I was weird!!

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The sudden crunch of leaves alerted Lucy and turned to face the sound, but as she did she was raised into the air.

Lucy squeaked in surprise, the first thing in mind was to get away from the stranger.

But as she felt the warmth and a familiar chuckle she felt her heart ease.

Slapping his chest Lucy pouted
"Natsu!, you scared me!"

Natsu laughed and let her go from his hold. "Haha you should've seen your face Luce!"

Lucy blushed in embarrassment,
"Hmph!, meanie!"

Lucy walked away from Natsu, entering the hallway, Natsu caught up with Lucy and made teary pouty face.

Lucy glanced at Natsu's face and immediately turned away.
"Ahh!!~ don't give in Lucy! DO not give in! .... no matter how cute!"

Lucy then realizes her words and blushed profusely
"Cute?!, ahhh! The mate bond is on its progress!"

"Hey Luce?~ look at me! Can't you I am sowwy?~" Natsu teased as he pushed his face into Lucy's.

Lucy blushed and covered her blushing face.

"O-ok!, ok! I accept!"

Natsu chuckled and holds Lucy's wrists and pried them off her face, Lucy's red face got warmer and warmer and blew as Natsu said..

"Don't cover your face Luce your covering your beautiful face"

Lucy blushed and hit Natsu as Natsu laughed at Lucy's reaction.

Natsu hugged Lucy
"Are you ready for the announcing?, it's just the next day yo know"

Lucy hugged Natsu back and laid her head on Natsu's chest.

"Well yeah, though it seems like were like getting married"

Natsu chuckles hugging Lucy tighter and smelled her hair.
"Well we are getting married ya know, since we're mates and all"

Lucy blushed and closed her eyes

The couple hugged in each other in  content, both taking in the warmth and comfortable silence between them.

Once the staff saw them from the corner, they didn't dare disturb their moment.


Natsu remembered his plans before the night and looked at Lucy.

Aww she's asleep..

END grumbles
Yeah yeah, now put her to your bed

Natsu blushed
W-what?! Why the he'll would I do that?!?!

Idiot! Stop thinking dirty and just put her into your bed so we can cuddle to her later!


Natsu carried Lucy bridal style and went to his room.

Upon opening the door to his room he was met with the angry face of Wendy.

Natsu's eyes widened at her sight

Isn't she supposed to be back for next week?

Your really an idiot Natsu, you told her when she went away that she's supposed to be back today, tch! Forgetful!

Natsu gulped and slowly went to his bed and laid Lucy, Wendy walked over to Natsu and then they both went out Lucy's earshot.
(All rooms are soundproof)

Once the door closed..
"Are you serious Natsu-nii?! You told me I was to protect! Not freaking be engaged!"

Natsu sighed
"Look Wendy, I have no choice!, you need to fulfil your duties as a princess!"

"Did Zeref-nii approved of this?!"

Natsu thought for a moment
"Yes, he did"

Wendy grabbed and pulled on her hair in anger.

"Aargh!! I hate you! You tricked me into engagement!"

Natsu watched as Wendy's tears showed up

Wendy sobbed,raising her hands to wipe her flowing tears.
"Did y-you know how I was embarrassed back at Romeo's castle?! I-I was being weird and everybody thought I was obsessed with him just because I thought someone was gonna assassinate him!!"

Natsu looked at Wendy and crouched, Natsu hugged Wendy while she hit Natsu's chest.

Casting a sleeping spell Natsu put Wendy to sleep and ordered a butler to take her to her room.

Sighing he walked at his office, sitting down, he glanced at his paperwork,

Grabbing his pen he started signing.



It was midnight, Natsu finished late due to extra papers that we're brought in.

Unlocking the door to his room he found that his bed was neatly folded, and a note was laid on top his covers.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed Natsu, I felt comfortable in your arms soo I fell asleep, but I really thank you"

Aww how sweet but ugghh

What Uggh?!

I thought she would still be asleep, I guess she's not

Why do you want her to stay anyway?

Cuddles of course! And she should be getting used to us sharing a bed, since you both will get married

Natsu blushed at the thought of him and Lucy cuddling in bed and then.....

Oi!! Stop thinking dirty!! That's my job! And see?! You like to cuddle her too!!

O-oh shut up END

Hah! Never!

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