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Getting free from the suffocating room of the clinic, Lucy immediately walked around the castle.

END and Natsu was kinda nervous thinking that Lucy might be scared  of END and run away from them, not like she has anywhere to run.

Lucy decided to go out the castle and grabbed Levy along the way.

Walking together with Levy they made their way in one of the secluded part of the wall of the castle.

Levy sweats nervously as they grew closer to the wall.

"Lu-chan, do you really think this through?, you know that we could get in trouble for this"
Levy said as she held into her bag.

(It was a shoulder bag)

Lucy snorts
"C'mon Levy-chan~, we hadn't stretch our wings for quite a long time you know, besides what harm  can it do?"

Levy just sighs also wanting to stretch her wings too, it made her suffocate.

Both girls stopped and looked at the tall wall.

"Umm so how do we climb up there?"
Levy says but thoughts
We could just fly..

Lucy turned to Levy
"Flying would cause some guards to come in this part as they are always said to be alert"

Lucy continues
"I'll call one of the zodiacs to help us, I hope we get a quiet escape.."

Levy facepalms
I think we won't Lu-chan..

Lucy closed her eyes concentrating on her  bracelet, slowly it glowed softly at the colour of pink.

A circle wrote itself infront of them inscripting little details until it drew the social symbol of Scorpio.

Woah! This is amazing!
Levy thought as she stared in amazement

A poof of smoke came from the circle revealing Scorpio.

"Nice to meet you Lucy-sama, What can I be of service today?"

Lucy smiled hoping he has something to help them escape

"Umm can you help us get over the wall?"

Scorpio raised a brow but did not question their request.

Scorpio held his hand out and controlled the ashes that surrounded the place and holding it into a staircase.

Lucy and Levy stared in amazement.

"Hurry now my ladies, the guards will sense my power if I activated it too long"


And with that both girls climbed up, but before Lucy got to the other side she glanced at Scorpio

"Don't tell anyone that we're out ok?, we'll be back when me and Levy are done stretching

"Of course my lady"

And with that Lucy jumped off as Scorpio deactivated the stairs.

I hope you'll come back safe Lucy-sana..

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