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Natsu then turns around the corner only to talk to...


END laughed at Natsu's over friendliness with the blonde haired maiden "I think you have gotten soft my friend, you befriended her even if you just saw her a couple of times"

Natsu grunts in annoyance
"Uggh look there's something about her but I just can't put a finger on it"

END sighs and thoughts "when will he ever grow a brain?, but even if I'm desperate for a mate he needs to figure out on his own... it's nice seeing him suffer"


After the whole incident the girls decided to end the sleepover and returned in their respective rooms

Lucy walked towards the garden her breath was shallow as puffs of air came out. Sweat dripping down her face, fingertips freezing.

She made her way to the garden and searched for her gloves

The eerie night continues as the only sound that was heard were her heavy breathing and the lava's bubbling sound

She crouched down the bushes finally seeing her white gardening gloves.

 Stretching her hand to reach the white object she heard a snap from behind her

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Stretching her hand to reach the white object she heard a snap from behind her

Instantly her body went cold she could not move fearing that it was the lady again she silently grabbed the glove and slowly turned around only to find a navy haired boy staring at her chocolate brown eyes.

Instantly her body went cold she could not move fearing that it was the lady again she silently grabbed the glove and slowly turned around only to find a navy haired boy staring at her chocolate brown eyes

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Her face suddenly went red and screamed "were you peeking at me you peeping tom?!"

Her mind went back to how her butt was raised just a moment ago and shouted once more "pervert!!"

Her mind went back to how her butt was raised just a moment ago and shouted once more "pervert!!"

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Gray's face stuttered as his face went red "wha- no! I would never cheat on Juvia!"

Lucy suddenly stopped and thought "were you the one they called Gray?"

"Umm yeah?"

Suddenly a creepy laugh identical to the lady was heard in the garden

As soon as I heard the laughter I wore the gloves and immediately went behind Gray and hugged his arm

"Umm... hey lady what are you doing?!"

"S-sorry Gray but can you lead me to my room I-I am too scared to be alone"

"U-um sure I guess, but I don't know your room is"

"Just walk ok?!, maybe the next time she sees me I'll be dead for sure!"

As on cue Gray dragged me out the garden, I looked back and saw the lady frowning

I immediately looked straight ahead

Time skip to in front of Lucy's bedroom

No on POV

"Thank you so much Gray I appreciate it"

"Yeah... what's your name anyway?"

"Oh! Yeah I almost forgot I'm Lucy"

"Just Lucy?"

"Ummm y-yeah"

"Welp k gotta go now"

"Ok goodnight!"

Lucy waves at Gray, as he was out of sight she went in her room releasing a sigh of relief

Timeskip morning

Lucy wakes up from her bed and starts her usual routine, while brushing her teeth she looks at her chores

1. Tend to the garden
2. Help the newcomers settle in the kingdom
3. Go to the library and fetch the magic book in aisle 15 and bring it to

Lucy rose her brow confused at why her list of chores had been added by new one's normally she only tends the garden and also the list was not completed

She shrugs and goes out the door towards the garden. Before she could even step a foot on the garden a kid stopped her

"Hey!, are you Lucy?" The dark haired kid asked-shouted

Lucy replies "y-yeah"

"Oh ok, the king ordered me to look out for you since the last incident somehow traumatized you"

Lucy's face blew up, her face felt hot as her mind went to the king or as he said Natsu

Lucy's face blew up, her face felt hot as her mind went to the king or as he said Natsu

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"D-did the king really did ask for you to do this?"

"Well yeah why do you think I'm here?"

Lucy's face scrunched up
"Hey, that's not very nice to use sarcastic reply to me"

"Ugh fine I'm Romeo by the way"

Lucy smiles and claps her hand "well I'm Lucy"

"Just Lucy?"


As their exchange of words had been done Lucy continued her work in the garden while Romeo sat on the bench

Seeing that she was done with her gardening duties Romeo turned to leave but paused

"Oh yeah from now on I will be accompanying you to the garden"

Before she could eep a word he was gone in a flash

She looks around looking for the boy confused on how he disappeared so fast but continues to go to her next duty

She has no clue on where the new settlers was so she walked around searching for someone to help her

After a while she saw a butler who had orange hair and glasses, she went to call him only to find him talking to a pink haired maid

So she accidentally listened,

"Loke-sama who were we supposed to fetch this afternoon?"

The guy called Loke thought for a moment and frantically yelled "oh no!, it was the girl Lucy! We were supposed to help her go to the new demons"

So I went to them and....

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