The start part 2

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Levy and lucy sat in a table (with chairs ofcourse) in the far corner of the of 201h floor (why they can fly people) while carrying the books desire (do I sound like clichè) as they sat on their comfy chairs, as they were about to read they heard a lot of shouting outside the shop lucy gasped but levy grumbled "arrghh! Can we not read in peace!!" She shouted as she was about to rip her head off lucy talked to her "come on levy just one quick sec please?" Lucy pouts and puts sparkly eyes to convince levy "ggrrr fine!" Lucy flies around in victory and grabs levy's hand they flew down the hallway towards the window as they were about see whats going on someone pointed an tranquilizer(why? I have a kind heart) in front of them and the heaven's cop said "DO NOT MOVE OR YOU'LL BE SHOT" the cop said warningly to both of the girls levy grabbed lucy's hand tight and said "uummm s-sir?! What d-did we do w-wrong?" Levy asked with fear laced in her voice "you were charged with stealing Levy Mcgarden and you Lucy Heartfillia is charged with murder with the help of Levy Mcgarden!" The cop shouted in anger but both of the girls gasp on what they heard and said to their minds "we would never do such a thing!" Then the cop received a call from one of his boss saying that he needs to bring them to court forcefully and then the guard did what is needed he shot levy and lucy in their back with a tranquilizer but as lucy were about to block out lucy heard him say"lets see if they can still see who the real criminal is hehehehe" and then lucy blocked out into the darkness......

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