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Lucy Pov
A red head stared at us with confusion then turned into rage ,
She magically somehow summoned a sword and pointed at me and levy

"I don't like strangers in my room Wendy for all I know they could be spies"The girl in front of us threatened

" E-erza-san! They are my friends I was hoping that you could keep them safe while I go talk to the king"Wendy says as she lowers the sword away from us

The red haired or as Wendy called her as Erza instantly removed the sword and made it vanish,
"Sorry for my behavior, But a friend of the princess is also a friend of mine"she says bowing politely

"Wait... PRINCESS?!" Me and Levy screamed in bewilderment

She looks at us confusingly and said "well yes, has she not told you?"

Levy shook her head "no, we thought that she was just a high ranking soldier based on her appearance"

Erza glanced at Wendy and sighs "guess we'll talk about this later for now go to your king or brother and do your request" Erza says as she push Wendy lightly towards the door


Now Erza , Levy and Lucy was left alone in Erza's chambers
Lucy was admiring the view on the platform
Levy was reading tactical military books that Erza has
Erza was sharpening her swords
As time passed Levy fell asleep so Erza found it perfect to talk to the brown eyed girl

"So..  now that you know Wendy's a princess , what will you do now?" Erza asks while sitting next to the blonde

"Nothing, I mean there is nothing wrong with it"Lucy replies sincerely

"But why didn't she tell from the start?"

Erza softened her gaze"it was because she was scared"

Lucy turns to Erza "why?, I mean I know that the King is cold and scary but I didn't think that his own family member would be scared"

Erza laughs wholeheartedly and replies"no it wasn't because of that, it was because of his future reactions"

"What do you mean?"

"The king lost someone dear to him just the last 2 years, he lost his mom and dad on the war between heaven and hell,lastly he lost his soulmate he cherished her like she was a part of him"

"She was the light of his dark world but when she died... he lost control"Erza suddenly shed a tear

Just when Lucy tried to comfort her Erza continued her story

"I remember it very clearly, he was in his throne room"


The king Natsu or END as others called him sat on his dark trashed throne room, he had a painful expression as he cried
"Why, Why! must she die, she did no wrong I did! Let me replace myself with her life I wouldn't care what happens to the kingdom just bring her back!"the King cries in agony as he shouts

While Erza watch the King destroy his paintings and expensive possessions she brought out a rose a etherious rose

Natsu immediately reached towards the rose as he got the rose he smiles
"Oh how I remember the days and months she worshipped my flowers saying that it was one of a kind...wait how did you get this only those who are meant for me is only allowed to touch it"he asks

"It was from her last wish, she knew that she was gonna die so she asked the flower to let me touch it so if you lost yourself she hopes that this will calm you down"

The king sighs "that woman is full of suprises" as his snapped his finger all the objects in the room was fixed

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