meeting anew

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As the trio walked Wendy wondered if the two fallen angels had a place to go

"Hey umm guys do you have anywhere to go ?"

Levy replies"oh yeah about that... we don't have one since we just came in hell"

Wendy suddenly thought
"How about I ask the king to hire you both?"

Lucy turned to Levy and smiles "that would be great and we could stay until we are resentenced in heaven"

Wendy then cheerfully fist pumped the air "then that's settled, I shall go to the king's throne room to ask"

"But Wendy where will we wait?"Levy asks

Wendy pounders "hmm how about Miss Mira- oh wait she's busy... oh! I know, lets go"Wendy grabs the two ladies hands and releases her wings, her wings were like dragon wings but red with tints of blue then flew around the castle almost hitting other demon staffs

"It seems that miss Wendy met new friends" one maid said

"Oh you know her she's too friendly for a demon"another butler replied


Wendy landed on top of a platform, the platform showed the view of the world outside the castle walls

"Woah... where are we?"Levy asks in amazement

"Is this even hell?"Lucy asks

"Well yes now come in she will be accompanying you while Iam gone"

The trio enters the room, the room had lots of space enough for a person to stretch their wings, there were swords , shields , books and maps all over the room

"Is the one accompanying us a boy?"Lucy questions

"Based on the room maybe it is a boy?"Levy replies not surely

"Well no it's a g-"suddenly the door leading to a hallway opens and a red headed soldier enters the chamber
"Wendy who are you with and why are they in my room?"

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