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After 2 weeks...

Lucy and Levy lives in the palace , Lucy as the gardener and Levy as the librarian

Both of them got to know some of the demons in the palace they also learned how to conceal their wings

Lucy wasn't scared of meeting the king Wendy assured both of them that he doesn't go out and walk around the palace

Lucy , Levy was being escorted by Wendy to their respective rooms

"Umm Wendy what would we do if saw the king do we umm bow?"Levy asks

Wendy looks at them and giggles "haha of course but don't worry he doesn't go out of his throne room or office but you'll maybe see him in the garden"Wendy replies

Lucy struck with realization "wait, are you saying that I may see him?"Lucy asks

"Well yes, but don't worry just hide if you see him "

"Oh ok"


Lucy Pov
"*sigh* Levy's busy and Wendy's off somewhere why did they leave me" I muttered under my breath as I walk towards the kingdom's garden
I was supposed to be with Erza but she was only talks about is a cake and a blue haired man with a weird tattoo on his face

Just as I was about to step a foot in the garden I saw a familiar lard red dragon like wings I immediately hid

"Oh my god... why is the king here"I whispered sweating

I peaked only see him gone I closed my eyes and relaxed "phew he's gone"

"Who's gone?"
A masculine voice asked
"Oh I was referring to the k-"I looked up and saw the effing King of hell

"O-oh your majesty!" I bowed

"I didn't see you there your majesty sorry for my rudeness"I excused by the panic that I got ,my focusing on keeping my wings concealed lost so my wings poofed into place showing my black feathered wings in full view

"Woah stop being scared girly Iam not gonna hurt you"the booming voice of the king jokes "I was only here to come see my garden"he looks at me and notices my straw hat
"Oh were you the gardener?"

" y-yes my king"

"Thank you for taking care of my garden my past lover would've been thrilled on how well you took care of it"

While he was speaking my head wondered off" oh my god! I can't move I'm too scared!"

"ondie?- blondie?"


"I said you can rise now"

"Oh ok" I stood up immediately grabbing my hat covering half of my face I couldn't let him see my red flustered face!

"So what's your name?" He asks

"Lucy ,my king"

"Just Lucy? Well that explains the new smell your new, were the one that my sister brought?"


He looks at the sky and says
"Well ok then I shall get going my meeting won't start without me "
As he walks away I caught a fast glimpse of him

He had enormous demon horns trimmed with golden metal , his giant wings stood heavy behind his back and finally had pinkish hair, king like clothing with his tail slipping out and his body trailed with scales

As he was out of sight I sigh in relief he had a powerful aura but I was still confused
"I thought he was cold like the others said... nah maybe he was just in good spirits"

Going to the garden I saw a beautiful rose I picked it up, it had velvety like colors and had warmth of a actual person "wait... isn't this the etherious rose that Wendy spoke of?" I immediately let go of it only to see marks on where the rose had touched me had reddish scales like the king had

"Oh my.. I need to hide this" grabbing the gardening gloves from my belt I sighed "perks of being a gardener"

I stared at the fallen rose and walked away "I think I'll skip today, I need to get rid of the scales"

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