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"Ah~" Lucy yawns, she stretched her back and hearing it pop she sigh in content.

Rubbing her eyes, she turned her head at Natsu's sleeping figure.

"Oh, it's just Natsu.." She thought as she yawns yet again. Her hands run through her hair when..

"Wait... NATSU?!?!"

Her eyes widened yet again as she stared at Natsu. She moved back with her hands, until she reaches the edge. Once she felt no mattress, she fell to the carpet.

"Eek!" She shrieks, her head hitting the ground muffled due to the carpet.

"Luce?!" Natsu exclaims, he suddenly sits up and looks around. He sees Lucy's legs still on the mattress.

Natsu moves towards the edge stared at Lucy.
"What are you doing Luce?" He asked innocently.


"Here, let me help you up" he says. His hands grip one of her ankles and lifts her up to the bed.

Lucy sits up the bed, a blush on her face .
"T-thanks, Natsu"

"No problem Luce--


"Natsu! What are you doing?!"

The couple turned to Erza who had just barged into the room.

"Didn't I tell you that we need to go to Twin's place?! We're gonna get there by dawn if you twaddle around! Hurry!" Erza quickly says. After that, she turns and leaves but not before closing the door.

Both Natsu and Lucy states at the door. Taking a second to understand what the redhead just said.

"Ugh! Oh yeah... I forgot" Natsu suddenly groans. His hands rubbed his face.

"Sorry Luce.." he mumbles as he turned to face the blonde. Lucy only smiles and ruffles his hair.

"Don't worry, you gotta hurry. Erza will bark at you again. Besides you are the king" Lucy states.

Natsu sighs and stands up. He stretched himself before walking towards the door.
"Ok, gotta go Luce" his hands turned the knob.

"Ah! W-wait!"

He turned to Lucy while she runs up to him. A blush on her face, confusing him.



Lucy kisses his lips. Before He could kiss back he was pushed out the door.

"Good luck!" She yells from the room.

Natsu blushes but grins, he lingered his palm on the door.
"Thank you Luce!"

He then turned and walked away, happy.


"I can't believe I just did that" Lucy whined. Her face red in embarrassment while she hugged a couch pillow.

"What are you embarrassed for? His your mate" Zeref nonchalantly states. In his hands, black earl tea.

"That's easy for you to say Zeref! But I'm a girl! Its still going to be embarrassing even if me and Natsu gets married!" Lucy whined.

Zeref removes his eyes on the paper work and glance at the girl.

"Well, you better get used to it. Natsu's like a puppy. Wanting your attention 24/7"

She then pushed her face on the pillow and screamed, but it was muffled by the pillow.

"Oh! By the way" Lucy exclaims. Removing her face on the pillow and turned to look at him.


"Mavis is coming later. She said she'll be making a formal invitation to her ball" Lucy announced.

Zeref his a small smile. A small blush dusted his cheeks.
"Really? That's good then"

The blonde squints her eyes at him, as his demeanour changed.
She then gasps.

"What?" He asked,

She then points her finger at him with wide eyes, she said.
"Y-your blushing! The great Zeref is blushing!!--


Zeref's blush then went uncontrolled and his face turned red. His head turned to the side, not wanting to show his embarrassed face to his future sister-in-law.

"Waaah!~ Zeref's blushing --

Knock knock!

Both of them turned to the door. Zeref coughs and reverts back to his serious and calm face.
"Come in" he ordered to whoever it was out the door.

The door creeks open revealing a servant. She steps into the room and closes the door behind her. She then walks infront ordered and Lucy.

Bowing, she said.
"Good morning Our majesty, our first King Zeref...

She then turned to Lucy and bowed.
"Good morning to our Queen Lucy"

"You may rise" Zeref and Lucy commanded. Authority dripping on their voice.

"Thank you" she thanks as she straighten her back.

Zeref lays his cheek on the back of his palm and stared at the maid with his cold yet calm eyes.

"Tell me, why are you here" he dictated.

"Of course, Lady Mavis is here to request an audience with your majesty, the king" she annouces.

Zeref turned to Lucy as she did with him and both nods.

Zeref stands up as did Lucy.
"Let's go then, Lucy"


The maid opens the door for the both of them and walk behind them as they go to the throne room where Mavis and her envoy was likely led.

The announcer notices both Zeref and Lucy and bows. Zeref nods at him. The announcer then opens the door and takes in a deep breath.

"Now coming in, his Majesty, the first king Zeref and the queen Lucy!!" He announced, his voice booming and echoing through out the throne room.

The envoy and Mavis bowed as Lucy and Zeref walked to their thrones. As they both sat, Zeref raises his head and scanned the area.

"You may all rise"

They straightened their backs and stood there not showing any signs of fear despite being infront of the king.

"Now, let us hear why you have come, Mavis Vermillion"

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