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Lucy waited at the changing room, hearing footsteps she walked near the door to get the dress.

"Here Lucy!"

Once getting a hand on the dress she saw what gown she was given

Once getting a hand on the dress she saw what gown she was given

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Lucy removed her dress and undergarment(bra), and hopped in the dress.

Looking at the mirror she twirled around, feeling the exact tightness she walked out.

Mira looked in awe at Lucy

"Your so beautiful!!"

"Now go remove it and try this!"

"Ok ok" Lucy says and carries back the new dress

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"Ok ok" Lucy says and carries back the new dress


"This is just beautiful Lucy!! "
Mira compliments as she circled her.


Lucy had tried every gown, Mira also did,

They both panted at how they had to carry the heavy gowns all day long, their arms ached and their stomach growled.

"Lucy, did you pick the one you like?"

"Huh?, oh yeah, I like this one"

"Huh?, oh yeah, I like this one"

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