The hell

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Lucy and levy layed on the grounds of hell , their once white wings slowly turning black their dreess tattered and destroyed but covered the parts that needs to be covered.

Lucy's pov
I woke up only to feel hot and burning I only see fire and lava , I slowly turned to my side and found levy "hey levy are you ok?!" I nugded her

"Mhm"she replied but immediately woke up "aaahh!! Where are we? Are we in hell?!?!"she shouted looking around frantically

"Were ok we just gotta make out this entrance" i reassured her

"O-ok lets go" she got up and looked at me and held my hand and pulled me up "so where's the exit?" She asked

"I think it's up there" I said pointing on top of the volcano

"Ok lets go" levy said

We flapped our wings and slowly flew up the exit and saw...............

Sorry for not writing fkr so long guys and sorry for short chapter

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