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Earlier before Gray was even in Lucy's room

Natsu walks beside Gajeel walking to their meeting office. Gajeel was another one of Natsu's second hand, after Gajeel saved Wendy, Natsu's little sister.

"Oh yeah where's the little princess by the way?"
Gajeel asked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, you mean Wendy?"
Natsu asks

Ever since Gajeel saved Wendy they grew close.

"Wendy is on her... princessy duties"

"Hah! Finally decided to act lady like?" Gajeel joked

"Haha well yeah.. But I think she hates my guts once she learns what her duties are"
Natsu said looking away , having a heavy feeling on his chest.

Gajeel turned to him, raising a brow "what do you mean pyro?"

Natsu stopped walking , Gajeel as well.

Gajeel started to get irritated by Natsu's long reply and asked again

"What do you mean pyro"

Natsu looked him in the eye and sighed "I married her off to one of the demon kingdoms prince...


prince Romeo, is here now my lady" a demonic butler said while opening her bedroom chambers.

You see a couple of days ago Natsu asked Wendy to stay at Porlyusica's castle saying that there was a duty that she needed to attend there.


Wendy turned towards Natsu

"Yes my king?" Wendy said bowing lightly

Natsu chuckles "Wendy no need for formalities we are family"

Wendy blushed "oh ofcourse silly me, what is it you need big brother?"

"Oh about that.."

"What is wrong big brother?"

"You will be heading to Porlyusica's castle"

I know that from the beginning episodes that porlyusica was the nurse, well she is but she was a distant relative of the past queen and was granted to be the leader to one of the city that Natsu's family acquired

"What? Why?"
Wendy asked furrowing her brows

"You are a princess and for that there is a duty for you to finish"

"I-Is it crucial?" Wendy asked

Wendy doesn't agree to duties unless there's a fight for peace or destruction

So Natsu lied
"Well yes, you see there is a prince that is under bounty, I need you to protect him"

"Oh ok that's easy-

"Do not tell him you are there to protect him, he doesn't know he's in danger"

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