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Years past,

Mavis and Zeref had been together, Natsu grew into a fine young boy.

But all good life must come to an end, unfortunately a war broke out yet again.

Igneel and Grandeeny was nearing their 50's,Igneel was getting nervous as days past.

Especially as Wendy was just a toddler while Natsu was in his tenths.

Zeref fought while Mavis stayed behind, her power wasn't needed, besides Zeref was too overprotective

Mavis took care of Wendy and Natsu as everybody was busy for the war.

Hearing footsteps she beamed
"Zeref your back--

Instead of Zeref it revealed a man with a mask, she felt the dark energy surrounding him

Giving Wendy to Natsu they pushed them behind her.

Opening her now black wings she covered the two  children.

The man lunges to the kids but Mavis beats hime to it and blocks the attack.

The man's hands was inside her chest, she coughs up blood but puts her remaining strength to protect to kids, she covers them with her wings.

The man removed his hand from her her chest, and tries to open the wings but flames burned his hands.

Natsu, despite his young age was taught to protect his friends. His hands emmiting fire.

Due to him being a hybrid his flames were more hotter than the usual.

The masked man hissed, he tries to use his telekinesis but to no avail, the wings were closed shut, and he couldn't touch the wings as he'll be burning.

Hearing footsteps he ran away silently.


Zeref stopped short to see his bloody mate.

He rushes to her, once touching her black wings it dispers into the air to reveal his brother and sister.

He calls for the guards and orders them to be taken into the infirmary.


Zeref cries beside Mavis, her once soft warm skin turned into a cold hard stone.

Igneel and Grandeeny stood at the door, Grandeeny sobbed and walked away, Igneel looked at his wife and followed suite.

Natsu stood beside Zeref, he grasps the feather he had gotten after being let out of the winged cage.


Zeref glanced at Natsu, his eyes red and puffy.

"Here you go.. maybe you need it more" Natsu states and opens Zeref's hands to lay the dark feather.

Zeref sobs and hugs Natsu,


Zeref became cold and more calculated than the past carefree Zeref.

Natsu grown to be a mischievous boy, always making a mess and keeps getting into fights with the commander's son Gray.

Wendy grew to be a cute shy girl.

Grandeeny and Igneel had died as they reached their 50's.

Zeref had decided to make him a king as well as Natsu.

Zeref leading demons while Natsu the dragons.


Present time

"Oh is that what happened? I'am s-sorry for bringing t-that back up.." Lucy says, feeling bad to make Zeref remember such past

"It is fine"

"By the way... Why did you tell me this Zeref?" Lucy asks her hand tracing Mavis's face.

"I feel like I've seen her before.." Lucy says to her mind, remembering the same green eyes.

"I told you this because.. I was having questions if you've seen her.."

"W-where? But she dead--

"I know she's dead.. but aren't you curious where the soul goes even after dying twice?"

Lucy stops, her eyes wide at Zeref's statement.

"But... ah- I don't know... She s-seemed familiar though.." Lucy says

"Really?!" Zeref asks his hands gripped her shoulders.

Losing a mate really did a number on him, if someone loses a mate, it was really rare that the one left would be sane, it was very common that the one left would be insane.

Desperate, Zeref really missed her, as a demon king he gathered all info he could to know where a soul goes if it died again.

But to no avail, no info has been written about that, they only had a belief that if a demon or angel died again they would be reincarnated in the middle world.

But Zeref didn't want to leave Natsu, he didn't want to give his brother a hard time, Natsu already had a lot on his plate and Zeref didn't want to add to it.

Lucy racked her brain on where she could've seen her.

"Have you...been going out the palace?" Lucy asks on maybe she has her hunch right.

Zeref sighs and schools his head.
"Unfortunately no, I cannot also risk getting the guards to look for her, our enemies would take note of this and we'll be back in square 1, I suppose"

"I can.. look for her?"

"R-really? You would do that?"

"Of course!"

"But Natsu would kill me if he knew I used you just to find Mavis"

"Don't worry" Lucy says

"He won't know"

Zeref raised his brow
"And how would you do that? Besides tomorrow's your announcing right?"

"Oh yeah.."

"*sigh* c'mon let's go, go sleep, Natsu is gonna check your room like always"


"Yeah now let's go"

Zeref let's Lucy go up first then he follows, he and Lucy climb up the steps. Unlike earlier it wasn't awkward anymore, it was... comfortable.

She turns to him
"Soo what did you mean by I'd be more scared if I knew what was in here?"

"Huh?... Oh that! There's a dragon in here"

"A dragon?!"

"Yes, wanna see him?"


Zeref brightens up the space by giving more light to the orb.

Lucy looks down the stairs to see a blue and black markings, a giant enormous wings.

"What's his name?"


"Who's is he?"

"The Dragneel line, he is being berserk at times, so we Dragneel are the only one who can stop him, he is also our secret weapon"

"Waaah~ a secret weapon!"

"Haha yeah, he can destroy a kingdom if we just said so"


"Yes.. now c'mon! Let's go Natsu would send out all guards to look for you!"

"Ok! Ok!"

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