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After Natsu fixed the door and made maids clean the splinters inside her room was done, Lucy and Levy continued to chat.

"Why did you do that , you know how demons react to their mate when hurt, besides you never pinched that hard before where did you get the strength anyway" Lucy asks as she pops another candy into her mouth

Levy replies
"I'm not even sure, maybe it was because we're fallen angels?, that we no longer have the boundaries we had like before"

"I suppose you're right, I mean even you just bumped into me lightly before you would be on you knees asking for forgiveness"

Both of them chuckles at the times Levy did that

Sighing Levy stands up and goes to the door, before saying
"I'll go to Mira's bar for a minute and I'll both get us a smoothie" Levy states

"Oh, ok I'll be here waiting!" Shouted Lucy as she rested in her bed

Time skip

Levy walks back to Lucy's room holding two smoothies, one blueberry and the other a strawberry.

Struggling, feeling the wet surface of the glass begins to slip from her fingers.

"Why is this so heavy?!"

Letting out a silent shriek she tripped on air and went crashing down. Closing her eyes shut expecting the hard ground to hit her... but nothing came.

Peeking through her slightly opened eyes she kept quiet.

"You ok?"

Hearing the familiar voice she gasps and sees Gajeel. His hand on her back supporting her weight before she fell. She  looked at his eyes then to the two drinks that had been held by him.

Stuttering she thanked him and stood up properly then she looked back her saviors eyes again to see that there was something different.

His eyes had a silver tint to them unlike what she had seen from him before which was a pure black.

Sensing her shock the silver tint suddenly vanished and there laid the black eyes that she grown accustomed of.

"W-what was the silver tin thingy?,  is it a power?" Levy asks

"For a shorty like you to be working on the library sure isn't well informed hah?" Gajeel jokinly mocked at her, grinning and giving back her the two smoothies.

"But is it-

"Yes it I a power, but only higher ranking demons like me can have it" Gajeel explained beginning to walk towards the direction Levy was supposed to go.

"Let's walk her back to the blondie's room, since she was supposed to have a 'girl talk'" the other demon half of Gajeel said

"Yeah yeah I know" Gajeel replied his hands in his pockets as he walked

Levy sees him getting farther sped up hoping to ask more questions.

"What is the power you used earlier speed?" Levy asked really curios about this only high rank power

"I didn't use any power, I was just near you when it happened" Gajeel says as they turn to a corner

"Then why is it like you changed?"

"Huh? What change?"

"W-well u-u-umm..."
Levy looked to the side clearly embarrassed

"You know.. like how the atmosphere changed, the way you looked more...dominant" Levy explained

Gajeel and his half blushed at the compliment

Dominant that was what their mate thought about them

"I-its my other half" Gajeel whispered

"Your what?" Levy stopped to look at him, one brow raised in question.

"My other half" Gajeel also stopping to look Levy

Gajeel continued
" only high ranking demons are blessed with another half, though you may want to bash your head if you go them"


"They're annoying as fuck" Gajeel grumbles at the times his half would annoy him

"Now you know how annoying you are too hahaha!" His demon laughed in his head

"So when do they activate?"

Gajeel stared at her intently
"They don't activate, they take control "

Levy looks at him, her mouth agape

"So the one I saw earlier was your half?"

"Yup, and he only shows himself when there's trouble, he's like an accelerator doubling the power I have"

"Soo.. you mean he multiplies your...strength?" Levy asks

"Yeah, but Natsu's demon maybe a joker but if he's let out he can be a nightmare" Gajeel whispered the part about Natsu's demon though

"Then why did he come out?"


"You said he only comes out when there's trouble!"

"U-um I-"

"Is there trouble!?"Levy asked continuously

Gajeel checkles at Levy his gaze softening while Levy stood there anxiously

Chuckling softly he grabbed both sides of Levy's face, admiring Levy's brown eyes.

"There is trouble.."

Levy pouted at the feeling of her face being squashed.
"What ish it?,the ffroblenm"

"The problem was my mate is about to get hurt"

Levy's face flushed red, her eyes sparkled, you could feel her face getting hotter.


Gajeel kissed Levy on her nose "yeah and there's nothing you can do about it~" Gajeel cooed

After a moment of silence the door beside them, there stood Lucy.

"Levy- oh! Hello!"
Lucy said noticing Gajeel

"Excuse me but me and Levy need to go now..besides the smoothies are getting... you know not cold" Lucy said looking at the smoothie that Levy was holding.

"Ok it's time for me to go anyways bye!" Gajeel let go of Levy and turned around to leave. When Gajeel was out of sight Lucy snatched the strawberry smoothie and whispered to Levy's ear

"Is he your boyfriend Levy-chan"

Steam came out of Levy's ears

"O-oh shut up Lu-chan!"

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