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Natsu POV

I was so lost in thought but got back to reality 'cause of the cold chill me and Luce looked up to see... Gray

He held Juvia by her back like she was about to fall

Both of their faces were red

Juvia suddenly pushes Gray off her then walks out immediately

"Great pyro you just ruined my chances proving the truth to her" Gray angrily says as he crosses his arms

I chuckle and leaned to the doorway
"Well it seems it wasn't going to well~"

"What? Are you here to help me then? If so how did you even know I need 'help'"
Gray said signing in the air quotation marks

I walked towards him
"You might as well call it a best friend signal helper"

"Fuck you were not 'best' friends were just friends and- oh hey Lucy didn't see you there" Gray said looking over behind me

Suddenly a feeling troubled my chest, it was like I couldn't breathe

No one POV
Lucy waves at Gray still clutching the cape

Gray raises a brow at the cape, he then spots a familiar mark on the bottom of the fabric and slowly whispers to Natsu

"I didn't think you got over Liss so fast Natsu~"

Natsu pushes him off lightly
"Wha- what the... no!, I just thought you both could meet each other... but it seems you already knew who she was"

"Well yes, she asked for my help getting to her room"

"To her... room?"

"Yeah I saw her bending down near your roses or whatnot"

After Gray says that silence was heard


Oh...God I forgot he saw me near the roses

"Were you...burned Luce?"Natsu asks as shadow covers his eyes

My sweat came down rapidly

my breath quivered

my hands shook

In my nervousness I didn't answer but I noticed Gray looking at my one gloved hand and before I knew it he grabbed my hand

He removed my gloves to reveal the red scales Natsu had

"Huh what do you know-"
Gray says but before I knew it my mind went blank and I slapped him

Retreating my hand I covered my mouth in shock

I grabbed the door handle and ran...

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