can't escape fate

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Levy watches as both Juvia and Gajeel walked away putting away her raven wings she continued on inside the library. Cleaning after the library is one of a librarian's chores placing books in their original places

Levy POV
I was cleaning around the library's back area, as I was cleaning it suddenly got hot I immediately got sweaty coming down the ladder I was on I slipped , the books that I held got messed up on the floor and created a thump, I stood up about to cleanup the mess ,a guy talked to me
"Hey are you ok?"

I looked up and saw the signature pink I immediately bowed down and replied respectfully

"Y-yes my king I just slipped and fell"

"Ok you can rise now I'll be going out anyways" the King turned and walked away slowly

My mind immediately went to Lucy and the scales

"M-my king?"I stuttered reaching out

He turned his head to me and asked " what is it?"

Contemplating if whether to spit the secret out I thought on how Lucy would feel if I betrayed against her wishes I looked away and replied shamefully "n-nothing"

"Oh, ok"turning back to his pace and walked out the door, once I heard his footsteps no more I sighed nervously "phew that was close"

Walking over the door and closing it, I turned back towards my desk and tried to call Wendy on the lacrima

Waiting for a moment the face of Wendy appeared as a projection she smiles
"What is it that you need Levy-chan?"

"I was curious a bit about the meant to be part of your brother's ethereious rose?"I asked

She replies "please be specific Levy"

"I mean ... if the meant to be mate touched the rose what would happen to the mate?"

"She would have the signature scales of the king "

"As in the royal red scales?"

"Yes and her hair would have some tints of pink hair of course, that's the king hair color"

I gasp inside my head, "so even if Lu-chan tries to hide it she can't escape her fate" I whispered quietly

"What was that Levy-chan?, I couldn't quite hear you"

I panicked "oh!, it was n,nothing Wendy-san goodbye!"I closed the call

That was a close call...

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