mad dun dun dun!!!!

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Lucy's hands started to get cold. She grasps Natsu's hand tightly.
"I-I don't know Nastu, I- don't know how to explain it"

"Why what happened Luce? You can tell me"

Lucy looks directly at Natsu's eyes and says


Suddenly a heavy clank of metal distracted both of them. As they turned their heads they saw Erza. And let me tell you she looks mad.

She had Gajeel by the ear while Levy worries in the background.
Saying things like 'are you ok?!' 'Does it hurt?!' 'Oh my god leg him go!'

And Gajeel's there sitting while his arms are crossed grumbling. Though has pink tints in his face, a little flustered that his mate is worried about him.

Nasty gulp as Erza glared at him with a dark aura behind her.

"King Nastu Dragneel why the he'll are acting like a child?! You destroyed a door! And even turned up late to the meeting you planned yourself!!" Erza shouted angrily

Nastu stuttered "I-I can explain Erza!"

"No" Erza said firmly

Before Lucy even get to butt in Erza already got Natsu's ear and dragged both him and Gajeel towards the conference room, all the while both Nastu and Gajeel complained

"Owww let go!"

"C'mon Erza ah!"

"SHUT up both of you"

Lucy and Levy facepalmed at the sight just chuckling nervously

"Never make Erza mad"


Lucy sits on her bed clutching the box that she hid in the bathroom. Looking through all pictures that was stored in. One caught her eye though, a picture of Lissanna kissing Natsu on the lips.

Even though it was normal for Natsu and Lissanna to do that because they were mates before

But it seems that she can't help but feel............










Lucy stared at Natsu, feeling something in her chest as she stared at how Natsu's cheeks lit up.

'No.. I can't be in love..  I-It must be the mate pull.... I just can't be in love...'

Suddenly the sound of writing caught her attention. Then a silhouette appeared and it showed a man with green hair.

Then he spoke
"Oh my am I in the wrong room again?!"

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