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Lucy stood there shocked,

Hybrid family, I should've have known this sooner... the horns and wings.

You see dragons are considered deadly in the angel's perspective, they could kill thousands in just one roar.

Angels doesn't take it lightly if there is one sight so they immediately are ordered to kill it.

But now if mixed with a demon....that's another story.

Lucy turned to leave until she heard someone whisper her name.

" Lucy~ come here"

Lucy gasps then turns to the sound of the voice

"Come on don't be shy~"

Lucy walks to the source  only to find a book, as she walked closer the whispering got intense.

On Natsu

End heard whispers in Natsu's head, at first he didn't bother with it until it got louder and louder.



"Check the book!"

"Your book END?"



"Just fucking check on it!! I have a bad feeling!"

Natsu sighs feeling slightly nervous, but then just headed to the book's room, together with their family history.

On Lucy

Seeing the book she saw the bold letters that signifies the name of the book.

Lucy whispers "END?, why do I feel like I know this name?"

Suddenly her head started to hurt, Lucy crouched down in pain.

Then she started to lose consciousness from the pain, the thing she last heard were her name



Opening her eyes Lucy saw that she was in a battlefield.

Looking around her surroundings, she saw fires and ruins.

Looking down she sees her stomach with a hole bleeding, like she's been shot by a gun.

Then she realised she was crying.


Lucy felt immense pain

Having no more strength Lucy falls down but not before someone caught her. Feeling the warmth and coal scent she instantly knew who it was.


"S-shh-shhh it's  a-alright your fine"

Looking at Natsu crying made her cry more, she raised her hands to wipe the tears off his face.

"Stop crying for me, it will just go to waste after I die"

Natsu sobs
"N-no don't say that I-no we can save you!, Just please hang on!"

Lucy smiles warmly, her tears falling down her cheeks but her eyes weren't sad they held another emotion...hope

Natsu hugs her tightly
"Pl-please don't leave m-me.. I and End can't live without you.."

"You can Natsu, I will watch from above until you are ready, I will wait years for you and only for you"

Natsu just sobs feeling afraid if held go he'll lose her.

"Didn't I tell you?, our souls are forever together, wherever we go Destiny finds a way for us to meet"

Natsu stops sobbing. He knew that their souls won't find another, he knows that they will meet again in another time.

After all if they knew their past lives together, one of them dies

Lucy kisses Natsu's lips one last time
"I love you Natsu, don't ever forget that"

Closing her eyes she feels immense heat coming from Natsu.

END awakes to avenge me that's how it always g-......



Waking up Lucy sees that she was back in her room, still processing the information about her and Natsu's past life, Natsu walks in.

Natsu runs into Lucy and hugs her tight.

"Don't make me scared like that again"

His hug is still the same

"Luce are you ok?"

"Oh!, umm yeah of course!"

Natsu looks at her confused
"Luce I... Didn't say anything, are you sure your ok?"

Lucy's eyes widen.

Oh no.. the other timeline's messing up with my timeline, if this continues I might be stuck in another Lucy..


So since I didn't update for the last month's or so, I give you another ep.

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