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Natsu groans as Zeref reminds him to be careful and alert.
"Stop it Zeref~ it's getting annoying~" Natsu complains

Zeref pouts at his younger brother's stubborn act.
"If your not careful they might kill her and the demons will think your weak as you couldn't protect a mate!"

"I know I know Zeref, leave it to me"

"I'm telling you becareful! Demons have eyes everywhere. Anything you say at do outside will affect the kingdom in a way!" Zeref states

Natsu groans

"Natsu, if she dies you'll grow weak... you know that, do you?" Zeref threatens

Natsu glances at him, feeling shivers climb up his spine.

"Yeah... I know.."

In this timeline, powerful demons are only spoiling or giving their mates best lives is just for three things.


They either really like or love them. ( which was very rare, as demon's want nothing but power)


They want them for the boost of power. (If this was the case, it means the higher demon loves the mate and just brings them along to the battlefield) ( But despite that, it's is rare or uncommon as demons are... demons)


To kill them and get the soul to take as pills to get stronger that option 2.


eref loves Mavis dearly and went with option 2, but unbeknownst to many he...


Yet Natsu also went with option 2.

The ruthless, merciless and unforgiving king. Loving his mate?

It shocked not only his people and allies but also enemies.


Days past after the announcing, several assassins were hired to kill the future queen.

Yet all of them burned before they could get in the palace gates or walls.


s these days pass the two kings grow furious more and more. As each day they get a alert that someone was fried dead outside the north wall or the other walls.

Natsu grunted as he was stuck in paperworks all day.

While Zeref sighs tiredly as he renews the barrier stronger than the past one.

As the assassins get persistent they grew furious.

The two kings sit on their shared room, despite being kings and adults they were more comfortable to be with each other.

That day they slept for hours, while Lucy invited Mavis for Zeref. But to her luck they were asleep as a pillow.

Lucy sighs and hugs Mavis childishly.
"Sorry Mavis! I should've know they were tired. Their mana must be been draining.." Lucy says but whispers the last sentence

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