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"Ok!, so you see..

We were thinking that we would do it like... just a short announcement"

'Wow for me being a next queen sure isn't a big thing huh'
Lucy thought to herself

"You may be wondering why it's short" Mira asked

"Well... yeah"

"This is only a announcement for a new mate not a queen" Mira states but continues

"The people wouldn't agree for such a quick coronation"

"O-oh ok" lucy said

"I will plan a meeting with your dresser and planners" Mira said while she goes up and walks over to a drawer

"When will it be?" Lucy asks

Silence was heard after Mira answered " this Monday, today is Thursday soo... 2 days from now"

"W-what?!, but that's to early!"

"Well Natsu seems excited"
Mira giggles as she remembers how Natsu approached her for the event


Mira was walking on the halls towards her office as she just got her shift done on the cafeteria

Humming she noticed steps coming closer

Turning around she saw Natsu, smiling she greeted him

"Good afternoon Natsu, where are you headed?"

"I was looking for you"


"I need your help"

Mira looked at Natsu shock shown in her features

Natsu the Demon king asking a regular girl like her help?!

Nodding and replying
"What is needed for my services Natsu?"

"Plan an announcement party for Lucy"

"O-oh what for?"

"You might be the first one to know this but.....

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