the judge

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Lucy sat there tied to a pole she just had woken up 20 minutes , borred to her life she looked around the court room analyzing the designs and people sitting on the chairs and finally she looked at the judge staring at him with borred eyes

Then the judge spoke
"Let the trial begin!"he said sitting properly in his 'throne' as he would say hey what coyld you say even though they live in heaven there's still deadly sins you know

"Ok will both sides tell your statement?"he said

"Send her to hell!!"
"Don't send her she's innocent!"
"Punish her for her crime!"
"Please don't she didn't do anything wrong!"
The both sides spat at each other then blah blah blah.......

Then the judge hit his hammer (i don't know what it's called)

"Ok ok can someone please tell me her crime?"the judge said looking at both sides

Then a heaven police raised his hand and spoke
"I will!"he said


"I am the one who captured this 'angel' and saw the whole thing
On how she did it"he said

Gasps echoed through the trial room "throw her to hell!"all of them shouted

Then a man untied lucy and opened the portal

And when lucy was about to be thrown levy came out of her hiding and ran at lucy and hugged her"*gasp*l-levy-chan what a-are you d-doing? Your gonna g-go d-doen with me i-in he-hell!!"lucy said shock at what her bestfriend's doing

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And when lucy was about to be thrown levy came out of her hiding and ran at lucy and hugged her
"*gasp*l-levy-chan what a-are you d-doing? Your gonna g-go d-doen with me i-in he-hell!!"lucy said shock at what her bestfriend's doing

"I-If they w-want to throw y-you in  hell m-might as I well j-join!!"levy said with tears in her eyes and in the exact time they were thrown into hell forever.........

"Goodbye heaven see you in hell......" the last thing lucy said as the darkness consumed her while floating in the portal......

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