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For the start of the party Lucy and Mavis became friends.

Startling Lucy as she was given the info that her new friend Mavis was the new born rose demon.

"Eeh?~ Really? That's surprising!" Lucy says

"Yeah.. I know right?, father never wants me to go outside. He just agreed for me to come here because of the announcing" Mavis replies back


The two girls turned to see a white haired little boy. His clothes looked royalty, his eyes sparkling.

"Mavis-sama! Why'd you leave me back there?" He cutely complains

"You were having fun with the food, I can't drag you away when your eating" Mavis says

"Ara~ ara~ who is this cute boy Mavis--

"Don't call her lightly blondy! She's stronger than you! Call her Mavis-sama--

"August it's fine" Mavis says, she pats the boy to calm him down. She looks at Lucy.

"Sorry Lucy, this is August. My father gave him to me as a present, he's a mage from earth" Mavis informs as she smiles

"Aah! For a little guy you sure are troublesome!" Lucy says

"I'm the most behave boy! Mavis-sama told me so!" He objects

Lucy carries him and hugs him tight
"You are so adorable!! You look like Mavis and Z--

"Who?" Mavis asks

"Umm.. n-no one hehe" Lucy nervously mutters

She places August down
"That was a close call, but it wouldn't even matter if I told them if he looked like Mavis and Zeref"

Suddenly lights dims and a spotlight places itself on the stage.

Lucy grabs Mavis's hand as Mavis grabs August's.

"Welcome everybody!" Natsu says

Demons looks at him, their body's straight to look intimidating.

"As you may know, we invited you all today for an announcement " Zeref continues

"Lucy!" Natsu yells

Lucy went to walk to him but Mavis holds her back worried.

"Don't worry Mavis,"


Lucy pats her head and walks away.

"There you are" Lucy then intertwines her arm with his.

"As of today I have found the future queen of this kingdom, her name is Lucy Heartfillia! I hope you all accept this and... no questions?"

The room went cold at the threat at the end.

They gulped in nervous, they shook their head no.

All had a obedient face but some... we're not so much..

Lucy elbowed Natsu to stop it but it didn't get his attention.

His stare at the nobles were cold and hard, his posture upright and his grip on her was tight.

He scoffs and turns to the throne with Lucy and sits.

Zeref and Natsu sits on their the one as Lucy sat beside Natsu's throne.

Zeref and Natsu sits on their the one as Lucy sat beside Natsu's throne

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