Rose Demon

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As Lucy sees Mavis she became worried.
" Mavis! Are you ok?!"

" Mavis! Are you ok?!"

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"Y-yeah.. " Mavis says, her eyes blank as she let her power free.

"Do you want me to get help?" Lucy asks worriedly

"N-no, thanks though.."


Lucy turns to see Zeref and Natsu.

"Luce? "

"Zeref! What's wrong with Mavis?!" Lucy asks

Natsu buffs in jealousy but sighs in defeat .

"Hm? Oh, that's just normal" Zeref explains

"That is normal? D-doesnt it hurt her?" Lucy glances at her friend and worried as her friend's eyes are blank.

"Don't worry Luce, Its just what happens when you surrender to the will of power" Natsu explains


"What he means is, Mavis is too nice. Remember the other side?"

"Of higher demons?"

"Yeah, it's their really our power. If they got separated from us, we'd have no power or magic" Zeref explains

"Waah~ really?"

"Yeah, in this case, Mavis let's her other side use her power a bit too much."


After a minute Mavis falls to the ground.

Zeref summons a black smoke and removes Mavis from the ground and into the air.

He moves her near him and nods to his brother.


Natsu walks to the concentrated vines and taps it. As he did it burned.

The flames turns the viney thorns into ash.

"I'll carry Mavis to my room, for the time being, try to hang out with each other " Zeref suggests as he walks away.

Lucy and Natsu blushes at his suggestion.

"We'll keep that in mind brother" Natsu says


"Hey Luce" Natsu calls as they strolled outside the palace walls.

Their cloaks hung over their body. Their hoods making them unrecognizable.

But Of course, the demons still glanced their way as Natsu's presence was much...recognizable.

"Hm? What is it Natsu?" Lucy asks

"You know... it's nice to have a stroll with you like this again..." Natsu says, he pulls his hood down to cover his blush.

Lucy smiles, her eyes glancing at the man she was to be fated with beside her.

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