a gift

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They both handed her a... golden cuff with a red bright ruby on the middle

Lucy in shock and amazement asked
"W-what is this f-or?"

Virgo explains
"This is for you when you need either of us zodiac staff"

"Zodiac staff?"Lucy tilts her head in confusion

Loke nods
"Me and Virgo are a part of the Zodiac Staff, which are a group of maids butler and etc."

"Oh... but why do I need this?, Iam no royalty or something"

Loke suddenly realized what this is going through and tried to think of an excuse
"Uhmmm as a..."

"As a friend"
Loke looks at Virgo and nods serving as a unsaid thanks

"W-wow but how does this work?" Lucy asks as she grabs the cuff carefully and examines it

"You wear that as a jewelry like on the neck or arms and it magically fits that ...uhm body part?, and if you need us just think of the zodiacs"
Loke explains

"Do not think of just one of us, think of the whole staff so if any one of us are available we know what to do"

"Ok then.."
Lucy grasps the heavy metal, she raises her gloves a bit and inserts her right hand in it

As she inserts it, it glows and magically fits her hand size and felt like it perfectly fit her

"W-wow" Lucy mutters in astonishment

"We staff also have the same ruby on us so we get a signal on whether you need us or not"

Then both of the showed where their ruby's were placed

Virgo turned around and raised her short hair and there placed was a ruby shining beautifully

Loke removed his left glove and showed to her also a ruby

"Wow are they like stuck on you?"

"Yes as we are created not born or grew"

"Loke was trying to say that we were made at an exact purpose not raised like a human would and die"
Virgo corrected

Lucy nods, then suddenly a bright glow of red came from Virgo and Loke's rubies

"Sorry Lucy we have to go"
"Somebody needs our assistance"
Both of them said in unison

Before she could say bye they ran away

Lucy POV
"Hmm wow at how fast they ran the air blew hard" I thought

Sighing I walked the opposite way and while my brain had been blank my hand grasped the gold metal feeling its cold nor warm touch

After some time my feet led me to the garden again and my breath hitched

My body couldn't move, once I blinked my eye I saw another lady with bright skyblue hair. Her back faced me as she hummed what it seems to be a song

After a couple of seconds they spoke
"Sorry about her behavior my dear Lucy as she is ... a little over protective of Natsu" she giggles and turns to face me

Her face was angelic but her mouth had a stream of blood it dripped onto nothingness

I gasped at the sight of her blood and rushed to her side
"A-are you ok?"
I asked

She just looks at me at replies "yes I am, do not worry "

"But you have blood coming out of you" I countered

"I am dead my dear Lucy"

I stopped in shock

"You see this blood?"

I nod

"This is how I died"
I tilt my head in confusion

"I was poisoned my dear"

I gasp "by whom?"

"My killer of course "

She laughs while I asked again "how about the other lady then?"

She stops laughing for a bit and sighs but says

"She was the king's most trusted...

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