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"Ah! Natsu? You're back early" Lucy smiled as she sauntered towards the salmon coloured hair king.

Natsu's cheeks holds a small blush as she looks at her beautiful appearance. Thinking on just how lucky he must be been to have such a beautiful angel.

Zeref only snickered beside his small brother, "yeah, her early because he flew here" he thought, giving his brother a look only to receive hard nudge on the side.

"Geez, he didn't have to hit me that hard" Zeref thought as he rubbed his aching side.

"Yeah, it's because I missed you Luce!" Natsu cheered happily as he threw her to the air catching her in his arms.

Lucy blushes as she landed and held tightly to the man. "Are y-you sure?" She stammered.

"It's because Erza has been glaring at you for quite a while now. . ." The blonde whispers, glancing at the red head from the corner of her chocolate brown eyes.

Natsu gulped at the statement. Feeling chills go down his spine as he now felt the infamous glare of Erza. Cold sweat dripped down his face and neck as he thought on what the woman would do if he stayed longer.

"Natsu~ hurry up" Erza tells him, not as a request be as a dark. . .dark order.

The male shrieks in fear and turned to Erza, Lucy still in his arms. "Hai!" He exclaimed obediently, not wanting to anger her.

Lucy tilts her head, "Are you going out again? But you just came back" she muttered, puffing her cheeks.

He chuckles nervously and slowly placed the blonde down to the floor. "Haha. . .well yeah. I mean-

"He still haven't left for the meeting you know. He knew guys were ogling at you and came back as quick as he could" Zeref informs her, a smug smirk on his face as he wrapped around his brother's shoulder.

Natsu groans and muttered curses as he jabbed his older brother's side yet again.

"ACK!" Zeref coughed as he felt the sharp pain. "G-geez Natsu, you're m-making me get weak without even going to the battlefield" he groaned, holding his side. . .yet again.

The salmon haired man huffed in retaliation. "Shut up" he mumbled and focuses back to his mate.

"Sorry about that, Luce. I just couldn't help it" he chuckled, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Lucy smiles warmly and pats the man's head, "It's ok Natsu, I understand" she tells him who had his eyes sparkling like stars.

"A goddess!" He exclaims as he clung to her side.

"E-eh?" She muttered confusedly.

Erza groans and grabs the 2nd king by the hair. "Stop stalling time and let's go" she says as she dragged him away.

Natsu thrashed around, "What?! No! I wanna stay longer to Luce!" He whined, reaching out to the angel.

The blonde goddess could only giggle and waved goodbye.


Ok sorry to cut it short but this is like a slow enter for me.

I need to read like the chapters to know what's happening again and don't worry, I'm a fast reader so I'll just continue this later.

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