the palace

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Lucy and levy stood with their mouths agape as they stare at ameazement of the palace, the only problem was there were fires on the possible escape route, lucy and levy frowned at the thought of burning while trying to escape the palace

"Umm why is their fire on the door handle?,won't you burn their?"levy asked

"Yeh I was wondering the same thing" lucy asked

"Well the king to be is in his royal request from his highness and uh well... he has to watch yhe kingdom for 5 days without causing trouble"

"Oh so will you burn?"

"Oh no! You wont burn its just to let the prince know if someones going in and out the castle and burns the one who he dosen't know" wendy stated

"Soo... he has control of every fire?"I asked

"Yup! Its like his own lacrima isn't our prince great?!" wendy said  amazed

"Okay... if you say so"lucy and levy said

But just about when wendy was about to open the main door they were stopped by a lady with white hair but the bangs were tied up and was wearing:
(Choose whatever you like or just imagine)

But just about when wendy was about to open the main door they were stopped by a lady with white hair but the bangs were tied up and was wearing:(Choose whatever you like or just imagine)

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"Hey wen-oh!whose these young ladies?!"the white haired lady asked

"O-oh Miss mirajane! These were the ones I accidently startled and the other one has wounded her wings"wendy said

"Oh ok I'll inform porlyusica" the so called mirajane said waving goodbye and heading inside the palace doors

"Oh ok thank you!!! *sigh* I hope she heard me, well lets go my sensei will just know what to do about that wing of yours"

"Oh ok" lucy replied

"Now shall we go?"
"We shall" levy and lucy answered back

As they walked in to the palace they were shock that they didn't got blocked from coming
Wendy noticing their curiousness she said "as long someone from the castle invited you there should be no problem"


The three continued to walked towards the never ending hall towards the infirmary

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