their story

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18 yrs old

Igneel sat with his parents as his so called parents meet with girl Igneel was marrying.

Igneel had been mad at how they made an arranged marriage if he was going to have a mate either way.

His parents had invited the Flair family, the father was a duke from another kingdom and had been made to sign the arrange marriage.

"The Flair family has arrived!"

"Ah! Mr. And Mrs. Dragneel! It's been so long!" The duke tried to hug the two but got interrupted

"Why is he so close to Father and Mother? He's a low rank" Kneel thought as he was a son of a king of dragon and demons.

"Of course you old fool!, now let us talk about the preparations about-- " Igneel's mother says but got nudged by her husband and pointed to the two young.

"Ah Of course, I almost forgot, Igneel?"

"Yes mother?"

"Would you be a dear and escort Grandeeny? "

"Where Mother?"

"To her room of course, now go along us adults have something to discuss on"

The queen pushed the two outside and closed the door.

Igneel sighed,
"Follow me"

Igneel walked and Grandeeny followed, as they were walking Grandeeny suddenly spoke.

"I do not like to marry you, you are not my mate. I just wanted that to be clear" She says, her voice hiding anger and sadness

Igneel irked at her statement and turned to her

"Good thing then, I didn't like to marry you"

" Oh stop it"

"Stop what?!"

"Oh gosh, if this is gonna be my wife then were gonna bicker everytime"

"Stop your fake character, it's revolting to see you act worse than a slave wanting to smile"

"This is my character!"

Grandeeny's cold blue eyes glared at him.

16 yrs old

"Stop pretending, just your appearance say something about you"

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"Stop pretending, just your appearance say something about you"

Grandeeny walked past him
"W-what do you mean?"

Igneel sped up and walked side by side with the white haired girl.

"Your button isn't inserted correctly suggesting your not having maids dress you, your scarf isn't correctly place it's supposed to be in not out, oh and your hair isn't gelled up meaning you want to be free of the restrictions"

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