what happened

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Levy sighs she didn't want to disobey Lucy but  if the demon kingdom was their enemy in the past it was their new home now

Levy POV
Lu-chan... what have you done to deserve this? You were so nice and had been so considerate in the past, what happened?

If you were still the same as before you would've immediately ran to the king and told him

No one Pov
As Levy walked towards the library she saw a back haired male, his body was buff and piercings all over his body he reeked of metal standing infront of the library it looked like he was waiting for someone so she decided to approach him

"U-um hello what can I be of service sir?"Levy asked politely as she had been intimidated by the aura he gave away

In a gruff voice he answered "oh yeah I am just waiting for Juvia to finish-" as he was about to finish a Blue haired girl opened the door in a hurry "Gajeel-san let's go Juvia found the book- uhh whis this Gajeel-san?"

"Oh this?, ummm who are you again?"

"O-oh!, I'm Levy! The librarian.."

"Juvia has not seen you before are you perhaps new?"

"Yeah.. the last librarian left 'cause the king wouldn't sleep with her"The man called 'Gajeel' explained

"Ok..., but yes I'm new"

"Oohh so Juvia is wondering what type are you ?"

"I'm a demon Juvia's a siren"

"Oh I'm..."
Suddenly two black wings appeared on Levy's back as soon as Gajeel saw her with har wings flap he was amazed at how her hair flowed by gush of wind and how her feathers  perfectly placed itself around her

Gajeel stood there speechless
"Oh wow Levy-chan!, it's pretty rare seeing you kinds here but sorry Juvia and Gajeel-san have to go "Juvia began to tug Gajeel
"Oh-oh yeah,yeah...."Gajeel agreed sadly as he had wanted to know more about the fallen angel

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