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After that encounter Lucy was back in her chambers chatting Levy, but it seems that Lucy wasn't paying attention. Lucy stood in her window that overlooks the whole garden.

Lucy stares at Natsu who was admiring the ethereal roses that she tamed before she was found out to be the queen by Natsu. Natsu didn't let her work anyways, no matter how much she asked he wouldn't.

Saying 'A queen is not supposed to work a staff's work, her job is to help the king flourish the castle' 

After him saying that ticked her off a bit but she can't do anything about it, she didn't even truly know the king.

Sighing she removed her gaze on the king and looked at the sky, seeing the heaven's gate. It's golden linings shone through the night

"Expected of heaven, showing off" Lucy said rolling her eyes-

Lucy stopped and touched her face, she couldn't believe it... she rolled her eyes

"But..but I'm an angel!, I shouldn't be rollin-

Lucy then remembered her wings that was magically hidden making them poof like it wasn't there.

"Oh yeah I'm a fallen angel"

Levy stood beside Lucy her hand grazing the wound she had gotten from Natsu.

Her hands rubbed her neck still aching from Natsu's hold

"Even after weeks I still can't let go the fact he tried to almost kill me-

Glancing at Lucy she continued

For an information that I didn't even know if it was meant to be given"

But here they are now standing by the window, one dazed and on petrified

Levy searched the yard for a certain someone but couldn't see him

Sighing she decided to break Lucy's thought

"So... when is the announcement going to happen"
Levy asked curiously

Lucy awakened at hearing the announcement, she looked back at Levy
"I don't really know... I haven't really listened it was all too sudden"

Levy expected her friend's reply before she even asked the question

Lucy maybe able to handle a couple of traitorous situations but she couldn't handle information getting to her so suddenly.

Like one minute she was a gardener then the next a queen

Chuckling Levy pinched Lucy in her arm

"O-oww!" Lucy yelped in pain

"Why would you do that?!"Lucy complained rubbing the now red spot

"Oh~ I'm just testing something"

After seconds in someone bursted through the door, blasting it to pieces in the rubble they saw Natsu panicked. Once he saw Lucy he rushed to her taking her hands
"Are you ok? Are you hurt?-

Lucy raised her hands

"N-no I'm fine , thanks for worrying t-though" Lucy stuttered

She looked away and saw Levy smiling

Lucy glared at her but Levy just grinned then smiled innocently

"That's why you pinched me"

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