opposite of what expected

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Lucy's pov
As we flew up we saw green fields , farms , animals and so much more but there's still fire pits around

"This is not what I was expecting!" I said smiling happily as Sun's rays hit my face

"I know right?"levy said still in shock

"Lets go down my wings cant hold it any longer"she said pouting
As I giggles in her complaint

"Ok ok *giggles*"

We slowly descended to the grass but as we sat a foot it turned black

"Wh-whats happening?!" I asked scared

"I-i dont know maybe because were fallen angels?" She said questionably


We walked towards the forest not caring if the grass we stepped on died.

We walked for hours until the ground grew hotter and hotter so we used our wings to float a bit

"I think we really should not use our wings" levy said

"Yeah maybe your righ-"I said but before I could finish a powerful wind pushed me towards the trees and accidentally shot a branch through my right wing

"Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!"I shouted in pain as the blood seeped out my wound

Levy flew down next to me and asked "a-are you ok?!" Looking over the wound

Then we heard a crack and saw a small bluenett girl in pigtails and wearing an adorable armor dress

She looked at us frightened "I- I am v-very s-sorry I thought you were one of those creatures that kills the staff and citizens of the k-kingdom!"she said scared

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She looked at us frightened
"I- I am v-very s-sorry I thought you were one of those creatures that kills the staff and citizens of the k-kingdom!"she said scared

Then she noticed the wound in my right wing and said "oh!my im very sorry I wounded you miss!" She rushed over me and then a blue glow emereged from her hand and healed me but the wound was still there

"My power is still not enough to heal you I'll lead you to the castle and let you rest there to heal"she said solemnly

"N-no you don't need to!" I said franticly shaking my hands

"No as one of the dragon slayers it's my duty to help you!" She said pouting glaring play fully at me

"*sigh* fine but whats your name?" I asked sighing in defeat

" my name's wendy and yours?"

"Lucy and this my friend levy"I said pointing to my friend

"Ok miss lucy and levy I shall excort you to the palace immediately!"she said happily

She started to walk towards the opposite direction as we followed her.....

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