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Back in the bar

Laxus sits calmly but opens his eyes when he heard his mate's scent getting farther away

Freed looks towards the three girls and back to Laxus

"Aren't you going to go with her?, you both have strong mate pull"

Laxus glances at Freed but says nothing

Freed sighs knowung and expecting a fight against the couple


The three girls as they ran towards the bedroom of Lucy

Erza shushes Wendy and Mira, Erza coughs a bit then knocking on the bigh oak door

Lucy POV
I grunt in frustration, pulling out the scales was also a bit painful. Resting for a bit, I gasp hearing a knock on the door

"Lucy?, Im here to visit you with our friends"

Hearing Erza's familiar voice I panicked, grabbing my gardening gloves hurriedly inserting my hands on the gloves I stumbled towards the door

Opening the door slightly peeking "oh h-hey Erza"

"Can we go in Lucy-san?" Asked Wendy

Chuckling nervously I answered "yeah sure..."

Opening the door widely letting the three girls enter, they sat and smiled
"Lucy this is Mira Lucy this is Mira"

"Oh hi Lucy nice to see you again"

I looked at Mira closely and smiled
"Oh hi! Almost forgot about you!"

Erza looks dumbfounded but asks again
"So wait... you know each other?

Mira laughs
"No, but I interacted with her when she first came here"

Erza huffs and crosses her arms "hmph! I was supposed to introduce her first to you"

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