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"Fre- what?"
Lucy asked as the word was new to her

" frenemies, you know... a friend and an enemy"
Gray explained

"Ohh but why though, last time I saw you both together you were all hugging"

"Umm when did that happen?, we never hug"
Gray stated while thinking back on if he and Natsu hugged lately

Then suddenly Gray remembered every time Erza scared both him and Natsu they would automatically hug and run away.


"Hey no swearing while your in my room, Levy's here too"

Sounds of the bed creaking and cloths rustling caught their attention. When they glanced at the bed they saw Levy one of her straps was falling off 'cause of it being too large for her petite body.

After a second it falls off...unbeknownst to Levy.

Levy looked at Gray and Lucy on the balcony, rubbing her eyes she asked
"Who's this Lu-chan?, w-why is something on my face?"

Levy asked noticing Lucy's horrified look and Gray's blushing face. She looks on where their eyes are trained at...

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!, PERVERT!!!!!!"

Levy screams while she hurriedly pulls up her top and goes to hit Gray. But due to Levy being petite her punches were unnoticeable.

"You pervert! How dare you!!"

"You didn't even look away!!"

"You really had to stare huh?!?!?!"

Levy shouts while she punches Gray in his chest.

Gray composes himself and softly grabs Levy's small hands, Levy looks up to Gray her face red as tomatoes.

"Look I am sorry-

Before Gray could finish the doors bust open to reveal....

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